Luxman T-117 Tuner

Need some performance input on Luxman T-117. This is a digital tuner that got strong reviews in Sterophile about 11 years ago. It is a vintage piece that supposedly "speced-out" better than Magnum Dynalab FT-11. Is the sound smooth, and how good is it in picking up long distance and/or fringe stations. Thank you, Jimbo
Perhaps another point should be added to my last post. The price info on Audiogon really should not be overly depended on. Most items do not have enough statistics (less than 4 or 5 sales) to have a graph, bcs I have seen many graphs with as few as 4 or 5 sales. In many cases, I'm sure there were just 1 or 2 sales. I wish they would state the number in the database and people can see how unreliable the figures are, though they are still better than nothing. The other problem is that even with enough cases, the average was taken over 2 years, which often do not represent the "current" or "recent" market. A newly discontinued/replaced model would see price drop quickly over the period, and some old model may get rediscovered and become "hot" again. So if one pays price that's 50% higher or lower than what's in the Augiogon database, it doesn't necessarily mean that one is overpaying or being lucky. As long as the buyer/seller are willing and happy, it's a fair deal.
FWIW I have a T-117 and a Sansui TU-717 that I have AB-ed in the same system. The Luxman sounded better- not by much, but definitely better. Slightly "fuller" and richer in the midrange as I recall.
I live in a city with lots of stations, so I've never really tried pulling in distant stations with either.
Willing to pay more for a tuner is, at least, determined by the perceived value of an item in certain skewed venues. Hence, you can be reasonably assured you can recover your money if you don't like it or does not fit into your preferences at the moment. Meaning: If Ebay'ers pay much more for certain items than people on Audiogon or other venues or visa versa that does not mean that Ebay should be used as a guage for what an item is worth almost any place else. And sometimes not even remotely close: I am sure many of us listened to the recent Sunday morning broadcast on NPR talking about the guy who sold his whole life's possesions on Ebay including hair clippings, an old standard clay brick, and, if I am recalling correctly, his used underwear. He later went on to write a book about it. Then he made even more money on the book. On the other hand, Ebay can be a great place to buy things that are not on the typical Ebay'ers radar screen and, hence, you can find some really fine values if you pay attention who you are buying from. I truly appreciate the recycling aspect of Audiogon and Ebay rather than a throw away society. You just have to be smart about when is the best time to be in a particular venue.

On a related note: Audiogon's Bluebook service is really a good start in determining value but it should not be the only factor. I commonly pay more from trusted Audiogon'ers or Ebay'ers etc with an extensive positive record and a caring about their equipment. I have had so many really great transactions made with real people. So Regarding venues: Viva la difference (and know there is one)!
I bought in January 2005 an used T-117L in Germany but unfortunately without manual.
Could a second owner please scan either the German or English pages of the user manual T-117 or T-117L or T-03 and send me the file to my email adress? I'd like to pay for that service - if you tell me where to send the money.
Kind regards,
I have a Luxman 5T50 that I am comparing A-B to Rotel RT990BX Tuner and Harmon K TU 9200 Tuner and ADS-R1 Reciever and the Lux is the best of the 4 with the Rotel 2d, HK 3d and ADS last. Also comparing A-B to various cd players (Naim, Rotel 10, Cambridge 640, and Pionier CDR) and it loses but still in comparison is not bad, so I have to conclude that this statement must to be wrong: "... 5T50 was one of the worst sounding tuners in Lux history." Not possible.