solid state amp for merlin tsm's ?

I am thinking of ordering a pair of merlin tsm's, they will be used in a seperate 2 channel setup for music , I would like to use a solid state amp with them and am looking for sugestions, also, I could integrate my subs with them and am looking for advice on this also, thanks
Thanks, Bobby. That makes sense and explains the difference I heard last night. It really was striking.

And thanks for making such great speakers! I've only had them for a week but I think these are going to make me happy for a very long time.
My mistake. I was reading 100 hz, not 100khz. 100khz does
come up very often in most home audio discussions.

Not sure exactly how to determine for sure when a zobel
network is
is not used in an amp. Do specs indicate this somehow?
I've read in at least one place that all SS amplifiers use a
zZobel network of some sort to keep things stable.

Sounds like two zobels are not necessarily better than one.
mapman, fewer than a few percent of all amplifier manufacturers terminate their amps with a zobel. to be 100% certain, call the manufacturer and ask them if one is used.
Has anyone tried the Merlin rc networks on speakers other than Merlins? Is there any harm in trying?
no harm in trying them, many do use them on other speaker systems.
BUT the merlin rc is designed to be as inaudible as possible on my systems. there may be a better micro tune for other speakers due to their specific characteristics and what you are trying to affect.