What's the best CD and/or multiplayer today

Just got notice that my long awaited Spectral 4000 will soon be available - at $15,000! CD only. Any suggestions for alternatives at or below that price range?
My system is based on Spectral electronics - amp and preamp (DMC 30SL) and WATT/Puppy 7s.
The Esoteric is very good, and built to withstand a laser guided bomb hit. But I must say that personally, I second the vote for the Linn Unidisk 1.1. You should hear the two of course, as their sound is quite different and there is no telling which you will prefer.
It's silly to say their is one best piece at any price bracket because of personnal taste, along with many fine products are on the market at the same time. If your talking about spending $15000.00 on a redbook cd front end I would recommand you audtion the Swiss made Ensemble DAC and Transport, because I did and found it to be better than many highly regarded CDPs and DACS/transports in my system.
If you don't have many multi-format discs then just stick with the Spectral for system synergy. If multi-format then I second the Linn Unidisk 1.1. Highly musical!

Good Luck!*>)
Audio Aero Capitole is about 8K (I love my Prima) but the Reimyo is getting all the best press but its 15K.