Nearfield Acoustics Pipedreams

Has anyone heard these before?
What are the problems with a line array?
Any problems with the crossover?
What kind of amplification to use?
Are the subs powered or passive?

It's funny--one sale inspires another, then another--so much so that it's feast or famine. People, and rightfully so are cautious when multiple 'anythings' appear for sale...I think its only happenstance.
The bulk of units, to my knowledge were sold from 1999 thru 2001 about a three year run. If that's the case, we're ten years down the road, the economy is slowly heating back up and some are looking to move up maybe.

They were well made--beautifully done cabinetry and NA employed really great QC.

I loved those speakers.

Lrsky, if I am not mistaken there is now limited production on some of the bigger Pipedream models.
03-29-11: Rcprince
I too noticed all the different Pipedreams up for sale
The thing that catches my attention is that all four are sold by two dealers at almost 1/10th original retail price.

Although, none look to be current models.
I own a pair of 924...I use Edge NL 10.1 with them and love them. I also preferred a Rel powered sub, and that is what I use for the bottom end. I think they are the cleanest, most dynamic, and best soundstaging I have owned. That includes Apogee, Acoustat, Thiel, Vandersteen, and Genesis. These are really fun.
I think you will notice that usually the ones for sale are through HigerFi...
04-07-11: Rkochies
I own a pair of 924...I think they are the cleanest, most dynamic, and best soundstaging I have owned. That includes Apogee, Acoustat, Thiel, Vandersteen, and Genesis.
That's really interesting Rkochies. I have been going back and forth between line arrays and Apogees(Diva, Duetta Sig, or Scintilla) for my next speaker purchase. The amp demands have kind of kept me away from the Apogees and lack of feedback from many array owners has kept from those.

Can you give a little insight into the difference in musical presentation between the Pipedreams and Apogee or Acoustat?