B&W 801 crossovers

I am debating buying tube crossovers. I have a pair of B#W 801 speakers and was wondering what type of crossover or just have the speaker crossovers rebuilt. If rebuilt who?

Get the NC's. Much more managable now fhat teo bixes are used unstead of four.

Get the NC's. Much more managable now that four boxes are used unstead of four.
I am slightly detouring this thread for selfish intent, as I doubt any answers to my query will benefit the OP. But, here goes anyway: Is there still merit in the old units such as the Heathkit XO-1 tubed crossovers? Assuming their operational condition is as should be, possibly with upgrades? When used with a basic tubed system, how may they fare compared to modern examples, such as a Marchand? My question is more than academic. Thanks in advance to any respondents, also those just giving it some thought :)
Replacing the caps do wonders and a relatively cheap fix. Bypassing the APOC in the tweeter is another option. Series 3 did away with that. Are they on stands? The soundanchor dedicated stands really open up and cleanup the sound and bass. Also using good bi wire improves things. These are a few options. My Matrix 802 series 3 are amazing. The caps used are sonicaps for the mid/treble drivers and Dayton caps for the bass. They replaced .89 cent bennic caps that were there. Hope this info works for you.