Behringer DEQ2496 HELP

After reading the raves about this product, I finally bought one along with the matching microphone tonite. Put in my system, eager to try room correction. The first 2 attmepts produced some curves that I wasn't crazy about, but seemed plausioble. Now, all it does is push all the bands above 125 all the way to maximum boost, and all the bands below 125 to maximum cut. When displaying the RTA of the pink noise, there is nop more htan a 15 dB range between the highest and lowest levels on the curve (as if that were small!)Also, one of the primary reasons I bought it was for equalizing low frequency room problems, yet it suggests htat anyuthing below 100Hz not be included in the auto EQ.
Does anyone know why it is coming up with such odd equalization curves, even though it is reading the data, which doesn't look so bad? Also, how bad is the product at low frequencies?
Are you having it EQ your system to flat or have you shaped the curve a little?
I did not shape the curve. I set it to flat and then hit "room correction". Should I be tweaking it or is that just personal preference?

The thing that amazes me is that everything is clearer. I had no idea an EQ could make this kind of difference.
Go here and read this:

You don't want flat as it will sound thin in the bass and bright up high. You want it to sound like live music, at least I do. True flat most people don't care for. You can put in a curve and the Behringer will adjust to it.
Thanks for that link, Warner. Where's that from?

And yes, you don't want flat. And unless your speakers have a lot of output naturally at 20Hz, don't ask them to. Boosts in the lower octave can overtax the drivers and your amp, to the detriment of the rest of the spectrum.