Behringer DEQ2496 HELP

After reading the raves about this product, I finally bought one along with the matching microphone tonite. Put in my system, eager to try room correction. The first 2 attmepts produced some curves that I wasn't crazy about, but seemed plausioble. Now, all it does is push all the bands above 125 all the way to maximum boost, and all the bands below 125 to maximum cut. When displaying the RTA of the pink noise, there is nop more htan a 15 dB range between the highest and lowest levels on the curve (as if that were small!)Also, one of the primary reasons I bought it was for equalizing low frequency room problems, yet it suggests htat anyuthing below 100Hz not be included in the auto EQ.
Does anyone know why it is coming up with such odd equalization curves, even though it is reading the data, which doesn't look so bad? Also, how bad is the product at low frequencies?
You can reduce the gain in the Utility Menu using the Gain Offset parameter. I have mine set to -2db. When I spoke to the Beheringer folks about the high input levels, they mentioned that it's Ok if the level goes slightly into the red zone as long as it's very brief. I would agree with that in terms of my listening experience, as I don't hear clipping artifacts unless the levels are significantly into the red.
06-30-06: Smeyers
You can reduce the gain in the Utility Menu using the Gain Offset parameter. I have mine set to -2db.
Thank you for that info. I did try that earlier, but adjusting the Gain Offset does not affect the gain of the input signal, it only affects the output signal. It's the input signal that's giving me the issue, and unfortunately, I cannot adjust the output level of my source as is common on professional gear. Do high end transports like Wadia offer output gain adjustments? I've never heard of this. Odd, since it's so common on studio gear.

I do hear problems caused by the clipping.
As I understand it, you are lighting up the red LED while using the digital input. The digital data is as it comes straight off the disc, so there is no way to attenuate it. I assume that the MSB of the 16 bit CD word is treated as the MSB of the 24 bit word in the DEQ2496. True clipping will only occur if all the lower order bits are set as well as this MSB. If the digital input clips it means that the CD data was already clipped (but you never has an indicator to tell you this).

The red LED also lights if the CLIP Limiter inside the DEQ2496 activates, and that might happen due to your equalization when the input is near, but not quite exceeding the maximum. The CLIP Limiter threshold is permanently set at 0dB, but there are some parameters of the limiter that you could play with. Check the manual.
Thanks, Eldartford.

While I appreciate the EQ features of the DEQ2496, thus far the DAC sounds mechanical, sterile, and unmusical in my opinion.