Playing SACD on a Non-SACD Player

Is there any benefit at all to playing a SACD on a normal red book player? Is there added information on SACD that will benefit the overall sound?
Duh! I never said they could. What I am trying to get through to you is that DSD mastered discs are more easily mixed down to 16 bit thus gaining better sound quality than discs originally mastered using PCM. If one can believe a power cord can make a difference in sound quality(not you in particular)then they might think that better mastering should also.
Duh! I never said they could.
Rwwear, you did earlier write:

One still gets the benefits from DSD when playing an SACD disc back in a redbook machine.
...which seems to suggest one can play SACD discs in redbook machines. So, please pardon my confusion.

I understand your point now, though, and I was about to post a clarification in my earlier reply.

Thanks for stating your view more clearly.

Exactly, Rwwear's post was misleading in that it implied that
one could play an SACD disc in a redbook player.

A better phrasing would be that the redbook layer of a hybrid
SACD/redbook disc benefits from the fact that the recording
was originally mastered in DSD and downconverted to redbook.

Dr. Gregory Greenman
A better phrasing would be that the redbook layer of a hybrid
SACD/redbook disc benefits from the fact that the recording
was originally mastered in DSD and downconverted to redbook.

That I can believe, and the SACD/CD hybrid disk would, in fact, play on a redbook machine.

It may vary, of course, from hybrid to hybrid, but I have not found that the redbook layer of a hybrid disc inferior to a standard redbook (non-hybrid) version.Have others truely found the redbook layer of some hybrids inferior to comparable redbook recordings on non-hybrid discs?