Looking for "Last" 2 channel speaker system.

I am looking to downsize my speaker system in the near future and am interested in some feedback as to what my shortlist should be for auditions!

Some background. I currently have the Genesis 4 tower speakers, and absolutely love everything about them, except, their size! In particular I like the fact that the bass towers have adjustments which includes remote volume.........very very handy and useful.

For my last set of speakers I would like something with a much smaller footprint, that can also play occassionaly at higher SPL's. I think soundstage and detail and a holographic image is important, and a strong bass is important although I'm not completely against using a separate subwoofer to assist with the absolute bottom ends.

Some of the contenders that I am considering are: Marten Coltrane, Consensus Conspiracy, Avalon Isis, JM Lab Stella, Hanson King V2 and some model of Kharma. I have also been reading lately some very good reports on the top of the line Legacy speaker.

I would like to keep the price down somewhat, hoping to spend no more than $25K on the used market, perhaps up to $40K for something that performs in Utopia.

I don't feel that my front end info matters much as it is constantly in a state of flux, although I don't see the MBL6010D leaving.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
You're looking to spend 25 to 40K and don't think your front end matters?

I think he means, it's not important for us to know exactly what he's using right now, because it is constantly changing.
Magico Minis? Those plus a nice sub for the lows might do it. My favorite "small" speaker is the Sonus Faber Guarneri (originals, not the Mementos).