Looking for "Last" 2 channel speaker system.

I am looking to downsize my speaker system in the near future and am interested in some feedback as to what my shortlist should be for auditions!

Some background. I currently have the Genesis 4 tower speakers, and absolutely love everything about them, except, their size! In particular I like the fact that the bass towers have adjustments which includes remote volume.........very very handy and useful.

For my last set of speakers I would like something with a much smaller footprint, that can also play occassionaly at higher SPL's. I think soundstage and detail and a holographic image is important, and a strong bass is important although I'm not completely against using a separate subwoofer to assist with the absolute bottom ends.

Some of the contenders that I am considering are: Marten Coltrane, Consensus Conspiracy, Avalon Isis, JM Lab Stella, Hanson King V2 and some model of Kharma. I have also been reading lately some very good reports on the top of the line Legacy speaker.

I would like to keep the price down somewhat, hoping to spend no more than $25K on the used market, perhaps up to $40K for something that performs in Utopia.

I don't feel that my front end info matters much as it is constantly in a state of flux, although I don't see the MBL6010D leaving.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
I have said this on this forum before, and I will say it again, do try some Tannoys out. My custom thirty-five year old HPD 315's are among the most musical speakers in my long experience, are easy to drive, at 93db sensitivity, and are easily among the best I've heard in getting the scale of music right than most speakers I've heard.

Good luck in your search, and enjoy shopping,
Hi Bullot,

I was in a very similar situation, looking for reference level performance in a relatively small form factor for our mixing,listening and dealer needs.

After an extensive search, The TAD CR1 was the speaker that fit the bill.
It feels like an extremely accurate transducer, that unearths cues and subtleties in recordings, even bad ones, that let's you know exactly what the recording sounds like, while still letting the musical intent shine through. For example, even some thin sounding Todd Rundgren recordings, shine with holographic bells and voices

If you ever visit the New York area and want to listen, feel free. We'll-also have the speaker at the axpona NY show, though who knows how good it will sound in a hotel room.
TIdal Audio...From bottom to top an extraordinary consistent lineup of speakers!
Thanks again folks! Eric, I agree on the room acoustics, I have some acoustic panels arriving this week and will see what they bring me! The equipment you mention is very intriguing! It would actually be great to end up with a somewhat moderate system and use the extra funds to play around and experiment! Also agree 100% with the word synergy! It is so important and wonderous when it comes together.........no doubt a more inexpensive system has the ability to embarass a high end system if the synergies are met or not met! That's part of the fun for me, and it sounds like you have been able to get there! I look forward to looking into some of the gear you mentioned.

Dan, thanks for reminding me about Tannoy......actually another contact of mine just told me about a fellow in Winnipeg that builds speakers in his own custom boxes with Tannoy drivers! Lots of options!

Emailist, I have heard much about the TAD as well. I am looking into what audio show best suits my schedule this year, and I'm sure the TAD will be there! How are the smaller TAD's coupled with a sub, in comparison to the bigger ones!?

Thanks Azjake.......of course I have heard much about Tidal as well, but very expensive! In my experience there is a premium for speakers imported into North America, like Tidal and Marten, Consensus.
Bullot, I just did something similar to what you are doing. After listening to Shelby + Kroll speakers. I made the decision to change from my Lowther horns driven by Audio Note gear, to Shelby + Kroll Nano Monitors and the S+K Woffer unit. All driven by an ATC SIA2-150 integrated amp. Yeah that's right, sold all of the very expensive AN tube gear and large Lowther horns for a satellite + sub solid state system. Pocketed a lot of green and absolutly LOVE what I'm hearing! Look into the Shelby + Kroll speakes you will hear what I mean.