Looking for "Last" 2 channel speaker system.

I am looking to downsize my speaker system in the near future and am interested in some feedback as to what my shortlist should be for auditions!

Some background. I currently have the Genesis 4 tower speakers, and absolutely love everything about them, except, their size! In particular I like the fact that the bass towers have adjustments which includes remote volume.........very very handy and useful.

For my last set of speakers I would like something with a much smaller footprint, that can also play occassionaly at higher SPL's. I think soundstage and detail and a holographic image is important, and a strong bass is important although I'm not completely against using a separate subwoofer to assist with the absolute bottom ends.

Some of the contenders that I am considering are: Marten Coltrane, Consensus Conspiracy, Avalon Isis, JM Lab Stella, Hanson King V2 and some model of Kharma. I have also been reading lately some very good reports on the top of the line Legacy speaker.

I would like to keep the price down somewhat, hoping to spend no more than $25K on the used market, perhaps up to $40K for something that performs in Utopia.

I don't feel that my front end info matters much as it is constantly in a state of flux, although I don't see the MBL6010D leaving.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Bullot, I just did something similar to what you are doing. After listening to Shelby + Kroll speakers. I made the decision to change from my Lowther horns driven by Audio Note gear, to Shelby + Kroll Nano Monitors and the S+K Woffer unit. All driven by an ATC SIA2-150 integrated amp. Yeah that's right, sold all of the very expensive AN tube gear and large Lowther horns for a satellite + sub solid state system. Pocketed a lot of green and absolutly LOVE what I'm hearing! Look into the Shelby + Kroll speakes you will hear what I mean.
I was on a similar hunt for my last speakers and looked at RMAf in 09. I settled on something much cheaper Daedalus Audio DA-RMa. I did'nt find anything less than 3 times as much, which was as good. They are very sensitive 96DB sensitivity, but can handle 250 watts, so you can have bleeding ears whenever you want.
The only other compact speaker I really liked there were Silverline Boleros.