Best Male Singers of the 20th Century

There is an interesting current discussion about the best female vocalists on CD. I have my own ideas about the best male singers (any category) of the 20th Century, but would like to hear other opinions.
The best male singers of the 20th century can be categorized into eras. First there was Al Jolson, followed by Bing Crosby, than came Frank Sinatra, and than Elvis Presley. I don't know if I can include anyone after Elvis as being in contention for top male vocalist for the century, even though there were some great male singers. Out of the above mentioned singers, I would select Bing Crosby as the top male vocalist. I think he had the best singing voice of them all. Al Jolson would be second, Sinatra third, and than Elvis.
Mark Murphy - check out his latest, "Once to Every Heart". Over 70 years old!!!!