Any high WAF speaker with ATC sound?

Hi everyone!

I bought my very first place, and need an upgrade, but there is a lack of dealers in MD.

Before I get started, I love the SCM20 sound, and I actually dont mind the way it looks. But I know for a fact it would not be able to fill up a large space. Therefore looking for a larger speaker. I was thinking of the SCM100, but they do not mate well to my modern furniture.

Now, I don't have a wife (thank God, I am only 25), but the place will be my personal bachelor pad, and i want it to look modern and clean. The living room is about 18x27. Speakers will be on the short wall. Budge is under 6K, I can stretch it a bit, but rather not. The lower the price the better, and used of course! Inefficient speakers are welcome!

It is for me, and girls has nothing to do with it. If a girl doesn't like it, it just allows me to meet more countless amount of wonderful women out there.

I'm am really picky (im a hairstylist, so maybe that has something to do with it) about aesthetic of a living space, especially since it's my own place. I like my space to look simple and open, and a super size box in the middle of the room does not exactly say that. Therefore I want something sleeker, so even if it is in the middle the room, it's acts as a piece of furniture.

Now for the speakers,

Proac's are good, but they lack electrostatic-like sound of the ATC until you hit their flagship models. I havent heard the D38 yet though. Vienna acoustic has too much of its house sound.

I was thinking about Martin Logan summitx, which I haven't heard, but I do like the prodigy. However the age and vulnerblitiy of the panel and the abuse of previous owner has me swaying away.

As for the PMC, I was thinking about buying them for fun, but I promise I won't buy anything til I near my closing date which isnt for another few months.

Any one has ATC, and demoed revel salon v1? Those been my dream speakers since I was in high school. I know they won't sound like ATC or even PMC, but I want to know if they are the same caliber. The exterior design of the speaker is one of the best Ive seen.

FYI, I know the revel is old, but my ATc is even older, made in 1993 I believe! So I'm not worry about have the latest thing in the market. A well design speaker will always hold it's age well against the newcomers.
Beolab 5 might be your thing. They sound pretty good for a a really far-out looking design. They did a good job with the bass - nice and tight.
shardone, $16,000 retail!!!!! I heard them once, and it made the room sound HUGE! but for that price, they better! I've never seen them on audiogon though.
Kinn, the revels would match your aesthetix goal and are pretty good speakers. I would not say the are the same as the active ATC's higher models. Another consideration would be the Wilson speakers, much closer to ATC in my experience in many ways. You could go with some silver Sophias or W/P (but not sure if you like the look, I do).

Of course if you want to stretch your budget you will get more into both performance and cosmetics. But your statement that they need to sound like ATC take a lot of contenders out, like MBL for example. They look like a piece of art to some, very industrial and interesting - many people may not even guess they are speakers.

As for Martin Logans. . . as long as you can still get the replacement panels from ML (which I would automatically do for any ML speaker that is 8 years old or more), I wouldn't worry about that too much. Just remember, anytime you buy an ML speaker and the seller doesn't have a receipt for new panels from the last few years, you really need to expect to replace them yourself (easy to do). Sure 8 year old MLs may still sound decent, but your mind will change once you put in new panels and run em for about 100 hours. You will realize the 8+ year old panels have lost their "magic".
Guys, thanks for the awesome advice!

Wilson audio design are awesome! Quite expensive too, I heard several of their models, but they all sound different every time i heard them. Even with the same model, but in different settings and electronics, they either sound real good or real bad. The sophia 1 & 2 are more in my price range. For the most part, from what i can remmeber, their bass slam is amazing, especially with classical music.

As for MBL, only heard them once, and only with "techno" music, no idea why the dealer put that as a demo disc for me. It was well known that the MBL are holograhic, but that disc did not show its strength. I losted interest thereafter as I was there to demo speakers under 1K (I was a freshman in college then). Gotta admit, they look sharp! I like them physically!

As for the revels, I heard it twice, once in Hong Kong and once at a dealer in MD. Both times they sounded as they were holding back, and viel, but both times they were driven with Mark Levinson. Yet everytime I heard things through Levinson gear, it always sound "polite". So I was wondering if revel will sound robust with more aggressive and meatier sounding gear. I'm just in love with the way it looks, and now i can afford it, it kills me. In addition i heard them in high school, long before my ears were even trained.