Jolida CDP question

I have owned a Jolida JD100 with a level 1 mod for about 8 months. I read many threads about the Jolida here on Agon before my purchase as well as after. In my system, it sounds rich and warm with good tonal balance, but lacks detail and emotion big time! I'd have to say kind or boring if you will.

Prior to buying the Jolida, I had a somewhat decent solid state upsampling dac and transport. The SS dac was definately on the bright side and had very little warmth. However, it had incredible detail, was unbelievably transparent, and was very exciting to listen to. Transparency seems virtually non-existent with the Jolida. The purchase of the Jolida was an attempt to capture some warmth, and it did! but, the sacrifices appear immense.

In my 8 months of ownership these are some of the things I have done to remedy the situation without success. I have bought to date about $1,200.00 in different matched tubes(one pair at a time). These include all of the recommended NOS tubes and many many more. I have also tried some different interconnects, and power cords. The best results were with Audience Au24 IC's, Guerrilla Audio Power cable, and a pair of tubes I bought here an Agon that are not in anyones list of tubes to try, but are the best on the planet.

I am driving Innersound Eros hybrid electrostats, which includs the bass amp for the low frequencies, and are using Monarchy Audio SE-100 deluxe SS monoblocks to drive the stators. I used this same combination of speakers and amps when I had my SS source gear.

So I'm not sure if anyone can help. Seems like the characteristics I'm experiencing with the Jolida are etched in stone. In any case, if anyone has any recommendations on fixes or different players, please let me know. Thanks..
I'm wondering about a few things. You said that the SS DAC was bright but transparent. I consider a transparent component to be one that has no apparent influence on the sound. What do you mean by transparent? You mentioned that the JD-100 has no transparency. What effect is it having on the music that would make you say that it is not transparent?

If I could go out on a limb, I would say that you might be looking for something that is not as bright as your SS DAC but not quite as far away from that as the JD-100 is.

Just out of curiousity, what was your other transport/DAC combination?
I have the same player using Mullard CV4004 but your strong recommendation of the ATSI tube has me curious. Where do find ATSI tubes? Thanks
As for the original question I own an AA prima and can directly compare the 2 players the Jolida sinply does not have the detail retrieval of the AA and is sluggish. The AA has a good musicality to it and is affordable I would look into it.
Modded or not the JD-100 is a very average player just like the modded Denon 2910.
Guys....ATSI (Advatage Tubes Services) located in Lake Worth, Florida. (509) 696-7736. The site is

Go to "catalogue" and click on the Red highlighted "Cryo'd" tubes section.

I dont remember honestly how I found them..but Ive used them for their cryo'd 6n23eb 6922 type in my ARC PH3SE with excellent results as well. I love what the cryo process does for the tubes.
I'd like to thank all of you for your honest, sincere, and proffessional advice. Your recommendations are exactly the information I was hoping for.

Aball - I have been looking at the Audio Aero Prima 2 for a month now. I was also told by someone else that this player may be one of the only tubed players that would do the trick for me, within my budget. I emailed a dealer yesterday to see if it was possible to get an in home trial, or be able to return it with a re-stock fee if it doesn't work out. The thought of spending 2K for another player, and taking a loss selling it, is what has held me back. Thanks to you, I feel more confident and seems worthy of a trial. Thanks

Kehut - I have not tried the Ei tubes you recommended, and it will be my first experiment since the cost is so little. I cant break apart and address everything you mentioned, but are in agreement with your observations.
The Jolida does have some wonderful attributes like you mentioned. I guess the emotion thing is ones personal taste by what gets them excited to create goose bumps.
Hopefully, the tube change will make improvements to my system. It is definately worth a try! Thanks for your help!

Brownsfan - You have exactly described my system with my old front end, and I too was in search to add some warmth and balance for the same reasons. I smiled when I read your remark "boring it was not" This is exactly what I was trying to describe, and have completely lost. Which, appealed to me, but was sometimes too overwhelming. I will say this though, I listen to lot more cd's in my collection using the Jolida than I did with my old front end. Just about all my cd's are tollerable using the Jolida, but they are just sort of lifeless. So it appears I went from one extreme to the other, and are looking for something in the middle. I consider myself very lucky to have gotten such good feedback from knowledable people. I have looked at the Audio Mirror dac 100 times and havn't bought one. This may be what I'm looking for. I intend on buying the tubes Kehut mentioned first, then the Audio Mirror would be my next step, then if all else fails, I will try the Audio Aero Prima. I'm putting it in this order due to expense.

Ketchup - I believe your observations may be correct. But, before I answer your question, let me explain about my audio knowledge so I dont end up looking foolish. I'm 50, listened to music all my life, and was a musician in my early days. I do in fact know what sounds good, but are not all that versed on high end audio termonolgy. So, it is certainly possible that what I'm explaining, that I have lost, may not be transparency, but here goes!

My system with my old front end had the ability to discern between all the different instruments, and place them in different locations. For example the volcalist imaging in the center, the drummer behind him, the guitarists on stage left or right, and maybe keyboards behind them. Just a large playing field with all positions easily identified, and dimensional. My Innersound Eros speakers, which are well known for this attribute would actually sonically disapear. Also, the center image was very forward. I remember a time when my wife and I were listening to a Seal cd, and my wife made a comment "wow! it sounds as though he's sitting right next to me". Well this is what I'm calling transparency, maybe right, maybe wrong, i'm sure someone will let me know! Also, during playback, certain sections like guitar solo's, and other instruments would virtually leap out and touch you. This attribute is what gave me my great emotion, where you could not only hear it, you could almost feel it. The jolida sounds like a stereo system where your listening to speakers. I cant explain it any better in words than this.

My old front end was a Metronome transport, with an Assemblage 2.6 dac upgraded to signature edition by Chris Johnson. I believe Assemblage was a Sonic Frontiers product. I used a Kimber d-60 digital cable between transport and dac. As I said in my original post, it was bright, not warm in the least, but had incredible detail and resolution with insruments so well defined and dimensional. I thought with the Jolida I was going to get the warmth I desired but didn't realize all the good parts were going also. Thanks, hope this answers your question, and please dont beat me up too bad.