Jolida CDP question

I have owned a Jolida JD100 with a level 1 mod for about 8 months. I read many threads about the Jolida here on Agon before my purchase as well as after. In my system, it sounds rich and warm with good tonal balance, but lacks detail and emotion big time! I'd have to say kind or boring if you will.

Prior to buying the Jolida, I had a somewhat decent solid state upsampling dac and transport. The SS dac was definately on the bright side and had very little warmth. However, it had incredible detail, was unbelievably transparent, and was very exciting to listen to. Transparency seems virtually non-existent with the Jolida. The purchase of the Jolida was an attempt to capture some warmth, and it did! but, the sacrifices appear immense.

In my 8 months of ownership these are some of the things I have done to remedy the situation without success. I have bought to date about $1,200.00 in different matched tubes(one pair at a time). These include all of the recommended NOS tubes and many many more. I have also tried some different interconnects, and power cords. The best results were with Audience Au24 IC's, Guerrilla Audio Power cable, and a pair of tubes I bought here an Agon that are not in anyones list of tubes to try, but are the best on the planet.

I am driving Innersound Eros hybrid electrostats, which includs the bass amp for the low frequencies, and are using Monarchy Audio SE-100 deluxe SS monoblocks to drive the stators. I used this same combination of speakers and amps when I had my SS source gear.

So I'm not sure if anyone can help. Seems like the characteristics I'm experiencing with the Jolida are etched in stone. In any case, if anyone has any recommendations on fixes or different players, please let me know. Thanks..
One part of Sfrounds' description stuck out for me: "sounds like a stereo system." I have the Jolida w/ Level 1 mods, and although other pieces may be to blame, I've been complaining that my system "shreiks mechanical reproduction of music." (Made especially vivid for me last night when a friend played her harp after dinner.)

I'll definitely give Kehut's sensibly priced tube suggestion a try.

Since we've got a JD-100 thread, I hope I may be indulged with another question: I sometimes notice a slightly audible scraping or chattering sound coming from the transport area when a disc is playing, as though the disc were rubbing the tray. It does not seem to impact the music in any very obvious way. Explanations?



Good points on the non-upsampling filterless DAC designs. I have two Audio Mirrors and they have both been great to listen to, not to mention one of the best investments I have made in this hobby. I sent one off to TRL to be modded and it will return next week. I am anxious to compare the two side by side. Email me if you're interested in knowing more about TRL and their opinions of the stock DAC.
If you want the next level in detail with a similar tube sound try the Cary 308T. Emotionally involving and more detailed.
I believe that 99.999% of audio systems would 'shriek mechanical reproduction of music' if compared to live harp music (or most anything else live). It's not nice to fool Mother Nature and she, after all, developed the ear/brain/mind that we use to listen to everything with.
All of this makes me think my buddy is right that tubes don't belong in CD players.His point being that the tube warmth or sofetening should be done farther down the line.Maybe in the pre with glass if you want the speaker to have the dynamic or bass control of SS or a Glass poweramp for ultimate bloom,midrange magic on say vocals or acoustic instruments.I have had most combos use you can have in setting up systems but I am now of a mind that the source from digital to cartriges/phono sections should have the greatest resolution,that pre-amps should be (passive or active) have the least signatureand that your power amp should give the greatest "imprint" on the sound before your ultimate transducer the speakers.Sounstage is critcal to the source component but resolution is on an equal footing.The choice of cables ot components farther down the chain can "fix" the problems up front but like they say "garbage in garbage out".Take a high resolution CD player like a Krell which some have criticized as too harsh or metallic sounding well it certainly seems like an easier task to "cure" than "adding" resolution to a well hate to say it "mushy" sound.This is all taken by somebody who uses an EL34 based EAR intergrated currently and loves that two way monitor sound with the right midrange to expense of the frequency extremes.But my next go at it will be to get the best resolution (even with nasties to tame) SS up front (CD and phono)with a neutral SS pre-and finsh the gig by matching glass amps with the right efficiency speakers.Not sure how much this screed was worth but think that even with well respected after market modifiers adding tubes to the CD it isn't the way to go at it sort of jumping the gun oir putting the Horse before the cart.