Bowers & Wilkins - B&W

I am trying to buy a set of CM9's with the matching center but paying full retail really isn't my idea of a deal. Any idea of how I can get a better deal?
Do you know any industry affiliates? A rep? a manufacturer?
I am still an electronics buyer as a living, way back when I own my own store and way before that worked for a manufacturer/retailer... If I contact manufactures direct, I can usually still squeeze a nice discount as an industry affiliate. Good Luck, Tim
The advantage of not being offered a price less than retail is that you don't have any pressure to make a quick decision. The price won't change so see what else is out there.

When I purchased my Focal speakers the I would have paid retail for them, but was offered the MAP (minimum advertised price) that was about 10% under retail. The salesman told me straight up that if I opted for a Cambridge Audio receiver there was some flexibility, but if I chose an Integra product the MAP was the same as retail. I know a dealer can sell for lower than the MAP price, but I'm sure very few do unless there's more to the story.

I don't know how MAP compares to retail for B&W products.

If you really love the sound of the B&W speakers then a few hundred dollars won't matter as soon as you pay the credit card bill at the end of the month. If you pay cash you won't care the minute you set them up at home. I'd suggest finding a Focal dealer for a listen, but if you love the B&W sound you might not prefer the Focal sound.
blackm, this may be a blinding glimpse of the obvious, but why not buy used? there's a number of cm-series speakers listed here on agon at deep discount off SRP; you could also run an ad in the "wanteds".
I will eventually be listing a pair of CM9s as a normal for-sale item in the next few days if you're interested?

I'm interested in selling my B&W CM9s through audiogon, but as a new user to Audiogon, what's the general practice for establishing one's self here before selling a higher-priced item?
Halserad: I have been a member of Audiogon for ten years plus. I look for forum posts from folks with zero feedback. (this means they are actually an audiophile) An ad has to be well done, and the payment needs to be PayPal for most buyers to ever consider a first time seller, so the buyer is safe, though you should also accept USPO money orders.
as a seller, you should not allow use of the buy it now feature. Then you can look at the prospective buyer's feedback and decide if you want to sell. If you use the buy it now, anyone can make the offer you must accept, even if they are running the Nigerian scam... Unless you are willing to jump through a pile of hurdles to get out of the sale.
And remember packaging the product and getting it to the buyer is your responsability. (i just had ANOTHER bad experience with a seller using a UPS store shipper, where the UPS store deliberately broke an expensive toy Wowwee Roboraptor, to fit it into a box at hand!! what crap service)
Anyway you should consider all yor options, like email when selling a product. contacting the potential buyers and discussing the sale is one extra way to have a great sale. If you just do the minimum, errors and problems can arise. Think of the buyer or (if you are buying) a seller as a family friend, and get to know them at least enough to feel like the deal is more than just an exchange of money.