Best DAC under $2K

I am transfering my cd colection to an external 500 GB hard drive using the I-tunes program (WAV files). Need an DAC to connect to my main system (Linn Ikemi, Kudos, Kairn-Pro, Klouts & Keltiks). Since my computer has a digital coaxial output I am not limited to an USB DAC, but will consider using an USB one. I am looking at the Bel Canto DAC2. Any other DAC in this price range? Any help will be very much appreciated.
If you're at all into DIY, Peter Daniel has a non-oversampling DAC kit based on the TDA1543 chip. There's a mention of it in the "Latest News" section on his site

It's an extremely well thought out design and very musical (much in the vain of the 47 Labs DAC). If I recall, the basic kit can be had for around $250. It's extremely tweakable and very responsive to changes in cables, footers (isolation/decoupling), resistors, caps, etc.

He also offers a finished version for around $1K.

FWIW, I'm not at all affiliated w/ Peter, have no vested interest, yadda, yadda, yadda.

I had the Bel Canto Dac 2 for about 2 years and absolutely loved it. I sold it only because I went to a one box unit, the Ayre cx7e.
Thanks for the help. Just got an e-mail from a North Star dealer, went into their web page and it does look interesting. The model is the North star 192. The unit features two toroidal transformers, one for the digital side and one for the analog side. Any one has tried it?
I second Hatfield's recommendation. Having heard this is for real. As usual items like this are passed over because the don't carry a high enough price tag. I also have no company funds and such at stake.;-) Just trying to let others know something of very high quality and good sound exist at a very reasonable price. In this case you get more than what you pay for.LOL

Good luck