Benchmark DAC1

Is it possible to hook up an amplifier to this unit and use the headphone gain control as a volume control? I thought I read somewhere you could but just want to clarify. And If one was to purchase this DAC what would be a good transport? Does it even matter? And am I right to assume that for people who want a universal player but are on a limited budget ($1500) that DAC/transport is the best way to go? Thanks
This is a hard choice...does the DAC1 have a toggle switch to change the voltage from american to european? Seeing as my integrated amplifier has amplifier pre-outs I will try both scenerios, either way I will keep it and if it sounds better bypassing the pre-amp section on my integrated than I can sell my integrated and put the money towards and even better amplifier, should I go about it this way?
sorry for all the questions guys, but I have yet another one...

If I was using the balanced XLR outputs on the DAC1 to an amplifier am I able to make use of the other set of outputs for a subwoofer signal? Is this at all possible? Thanks again
It will not do SACD, does do DVD-A though. I have no idea if the other outputs will work while the XLR works. Drop Benchmark a line & see what they say.
Yes, you can use both outputs at the same time. I use the XLR outputs to drive a headphone amplifier and the RCA outputs to drive computer speakers (this is for my computer system). By the way, you can also use the two headphone outputs on the front while using the XLR and RCA outputs on the back!

The DAC1 is just an amazingly flexbile device. Now if it only had USB input it would be the greatest computer audio device ever conceived. I guess it works pretty well from non-computer transports as well (but why would anyone want to use one of those?).