Warm and pleasing CDP - can be biased, colored

I'm looking for a CDP that has warm and pleasing sound.
Everything else can be sacrificed - no dynamics, fine, lack of clarity, fine, even distortion/bias/coloring is welcomed as long as the CDP sounds warm and pleasing.

My primary CDP is good but too unforgiving for poorly recorded CDs. I'd like to get a 2nd CDP that is sort of like a turntable. Looking for inexpensive one.
Asonicyouth, Possible the newer "Superbit" units they are not, but that is true with most of the oversampled, overrated, 24\96 units when it comes down to redbook. Its all on topology as to how simple they can make the unit, without using every new technology in the book and the analog stage must be done correctly to get the "Warm" sound, and believe me there are wadia units that would make you swear you were listening to Analog, not necessarily warm as in "tube" warm but neutral. This is in my experiance however, Hell I will vouch for the Reimyo 777 as a great player, but not worth 15,000, I chose wadia over it, but that all comes down to what sound you like and system synergy.
Timrhu, Actually, the Meridian 508.24 is a deal at $1400. It used to list for 4k new. My premise is to put your money into your source and speakers first. Thus the suggestion for the 508.24. Silvmoon's system says that his current cd player is $995. For just a little more cash, he could have a 4k player, which I'm actually suggesting for a replacement. If you do some research on Audiogon... "Best cd player for the money", you'll find that the Meridian 508.24 is mentioned more than any other cd player, at least up to about two years ago. (The posts go back to the year 2000.) Starting about 2 years ago, I noticed that alot of people were mentioning Sony cd players--- not sure of the model. At any rate, my .02 cents worth...
Wadia is as far from warm as tubes are from solid state. Now before the Wadia henchmen charge the gates, they make a great product. Well built, superb sonics in their own way, but hardly warm.
I meant to mnention the Arcam FMJ23 also. It is a warm player that is tonally neutral but you really have to go some to make it sound bad. It aslo has excellent resolution and detail.
The Meridian's are good players and the 508.24 still offers one of the lowest jitter levels I have seen. However, like most players it can get a little out of hand without the rest of the system being up to snuff. As I mentioned above, the 508.20 is a little warmer but not quite as defined with a touch less resolution. Some like it better though.
I have to agree with the fellow above, Wadia makes a great player provided the rest of the system is up to it. I personally use a Wadia 861se and love it. I have also had first hand experience with the others I have mentioned.
I'm sure they're others. Some of the older NAD's were fairly well built and warm like the 5000. Of course, you don't see them anymore.
I think a lot of the older 1 bit players were warmer than these newer players. I haven't heard many I could get excited about. Seems like they trade some warmth for great resolution. I certaily didn't like the new Meridian G08. Talking about a flimsy feeling transport! And now all of these multi-format jobs. Hmmm