What is the Wavelength Audio house sound?

I own a Scott Nixon Chibi Saru NOS DAC and know he is about to put out an USB TubeDAC.

I also see that Wavelength Audio has already released it's Brick NOS DAC and was wondering what the Wavelength "house sound" is.
I have a Cosecant USB Dac. The sound of this Dac is extremely balanced-more so than any other CD player I have owned. The Cosecant puts out an enormous sound stage with powerful tight bass. The highs are very open, but not hard. The midrange is rich, but again, very neutral.

I feel that the Cosecant is much better than the Brick. Less warm and better resolution. But the Brick is an excellent value.
Wavelength house sound- Musical, sweet, tonally perfect. Could even be described as delicate in some ways. Although the bass with Cosecant is excellent. I have owned two pieces from Wavelnegth and both are very nice and easy to listen to, and quite honestly I attribute Wavelength sound for the complete change in my listening habits. I now listen for music rather than details and analytical artifacts. Wavelength is special stuff and would not dissapoint any audionut.