Whatever happened to Audio Physic? Cardeus ?

Audio Physic has a fairly new Cardeus model and has fallen off the radar. I guess they left the US market. They were a big deal in the 90s. Has anyone anywhere heard this?
Oh boy, trying to describe color or flavor with words...
Many things in common with Virgo or Avanti, great stage, space and 3D imaging, total disappearing act and unbelievably relaxing to listen to - you can go for hours of listening... Cardeas are another level of refinement, richness of nuances (tonally and dynamically). Bass is lean and quick with rarely heard resolution of bass melody - in a way they're unlike most speakers and closer to what I hear in a live performance, acoustic concert. Having said that, I realize that these are not for everyone's taste...
Virgo and Avanti are easier to approach for many people. In a way, Cardeas are kind of the "anti-speaker" if that makes any sense at all...
I live in Europe and used to be a big Audio Physic fan. I currently own a pair of the Cerubin, a pair of the Kronos (modified by Joachim Gerhard), a pair of the Medea II (modified by Joachim Gerhard) a pair of the Minos subwoofers and a pair of the Terra subwoofers. I can safely say that Audio Physic has moved from being at the forefront of high end speaker design to being a mid-fi company pushing quanity over quality. I have heard the Cardeas at a local dealer several times and HiFi Plus is surely wrong. The Cardeas is not even close to the Caldera III and Kronos speakers in terms of sound quality. The two latter are also failures compared to the former top models Caldera II, Medea II and Cerubin. Additionally AP used to be an enthusiastic company where customers could contact them directly and ask for advice, share experiences and ideas. If you send an e-mail to them now you will get a response from their former bicyle helmet selling president Dieter Kratochwil basicly telling you to f*** o** and contact your distributor. They don't want contact with the end user. The new cheif designer Manfred Diestertich is too busy beating his own chest and trying to establish his own sound signature as better than the products designed by the previous design duo Joachim Gerhard and Bernd Theiss that he has turned his back on the loyal following of the Audio Physic sound of the past. He now wants to bury the former slogan "no loss of fine detail" forever and instead create his "design sound" which is far from true to the source. They are from what I hear not far from releasing a new top model to replace the Kronos and a new big subwoofer. The new big speaker is supposed to be bigger than the Kronos and also with an active bass section but this time the active bass section can be bypassed and you will be able to use your own amplifier instead if you want.

I will never go back to Audio Physic again. From now on its Tidal Audio, Rockport Technologies and Magico which would be my favourites for truly high end speakers.