Sonus Faber Cremona vs. Cremona M again, I know

I know this has been debated often before here, but I just wanted to ask yet again since it's been a while since it's come up.
I got a pair of original Auditors for my small 2nd system & like them a lot (their delicacy, vocal texture,and a driverless speak-with-1-voice sound to my ears). I'm really surprised how much I like them because so many speakers disappoint me, even some really high priced ones.

So I'm looking into the Cremona floorstanders for my main system, and wanted some insight in which would be better. I listen to popular music (50's-to-present) with vocals, but like a pure non-rock-concert sound, with controlled bass and non-piercing highs. I like something tame but resolved
and "refined" (I hate to use trite terms, but refined is one I make room for.)
So am I better with the original Cremona or the M?

System: Edge NL12.1 amp, Ray Samuels Tubed B52 preamp (Telefunken 12AU7 tubes, with some ECC802s in there),
EMM CDSA-SE with X-upgrade, Stealth Indra ICs, Cardas Golden Ref. speaker cables, various Shunyata Anaconda power cords, Hydra 8.
I agree with the sentiment here. To generalize, the original Cremona are musical and very easy to listen to, like you Auditors. Cremona M are more "modern" and lean towards a detailed/analytic sound. The original can be finicky about what is driving them; the M less so. Your Edge would mate well with the Cremona, as it does with your Auditors. It is really up to your taste. If you like the original Auditors, you probably want the original Cremona. An audition of the M would probably tell you pretty quickly what you like best. The only thing that would replace our original Cremona is a pair of Strads.
Thank you everyone! Lots of food for thought here.
I also have Harbeth SHL5s here and and the little Auditors just sound much nicer to me, even though there is less bass.
I have directly compared cremona floorstander vs auditor M some time ago. if memory serves me well original version had more rounded sound and more calm, while M have more imediacy and was "faster" and litle bit hotter on top end. definatley better resolution.but still maintaining sonus faber schoold sound- crispy hights, dark, reserved uper midrange , warm upper bass and still very easy to ears when increasing volume.
Thank you Elviukai! The auditors really sound nice with a tube pre & a solid state amp. The tube pre really helps. I read & was told that they need stands, but I get great results with little 18-inch-high sturdy tables (firm, controlled, detailed, warm bass). And John Atkinson talked about some bite up top, but I hear very nice, maybe perfect highs, nice & liquid & still extended and listenable. Again, the tubes help a lot.
I use the cremora M's with Pathos integrated monoblocked. It's a great combination. I have not heard the cremoras. but ugraded to the M's from the concertos and do not find the M's too anaylitical. To my ears, with the Pathos, the M's have a rather warm overall texture, but certainly are still alive enough to convey a real sense of the music you're listening to.