Is the EMM DAC6e or DCC2 /CDSD the best out there?

Is this the best digital front end ever?

What about

Reiymo CDP 777?
dCS gear?
Audio Aero Prestige?

Any other contenders?
Iujona, visit or call your local dealers. They should let you try the stuff at home if you ask, and if they won't, don't do business with them. I say this as a longtime audiophile first and a dealer second. I sell what I find to be best, but you must listen for yourself and decide. I repeat myself, do not much stock in what you read online.
I haven't heard the Reiymo, but have A-B's the EMM vs the DCS stack and to my ears their was no comparison, the EMM was far superior. Haven't yet heard the AA Prestige, but if I had the $$ I would buy the EMM Labs without hesitation... Unfortunately I bought Kitchen this year instead.
I remembered seeing some things out there about the Audio Aero Prestige when I was reading show reports, so I went baack and found it. The Prestige is apparently still very new, with only a few owned as yet. It appears to be a "Contender". They are already comparing the Prestige favourably with the EMM, and the Prestige is not even broken-in yet. (less expensive also)

From a dealer that handles both EMM & Audio Aero: (Prestige amps too)