EMM Lab DCC2 & CDSD Better connection?

For the EMM Lab CDSD & DCC2 which BETTER Connection for used maximum PERFORMANCE for 2 Chanal CD.
DCC2 used DST(BNC or ST)? or ANALOG (XLR or RCA)? or PCM (AES or COAX or TOS or ST)?

Which Cables and connectors NEED? only for 2 chanal CD and for SACD 2 chanal?

Thank you for your help.
What is the context of your question? In other words, are you asking what is the best way to connect a CDSD to a DCC2? If so, one would get the required three proprietary cables with his/her purchase from EMM Labs. You can visit their website, download the manual, and see exactly how to connect the two units. The diagram is color coded and idiot proof.

Or, are you asking what is the best way to connect the DCC2 to another preamp, using the DCC2 as a two channel DAC only? If so, then one would use balanced XLR cables to connect the DCC2 to the preamp. Even in this context, however, one still would use the three proprietary cables to connect the CDSD to the DCC2.
Since I believe in “simple is better”, I don’t really like any optical connections.

If CD is the main goal, why don’t you try to following experiment?

Connect the fiberglass cables.

Connect a high quality Silver AES balanced digital cable as well.

Set the CDSD to “external clock” so it is synced with the DAC.

Put your favorite CD and alternate between fiberglass and AES.

Come back and tell us which you prefer. I bet the AES will be better. :-)

Please keep in mind that the PCM (CD) is being converted to DSD inside the CDSD and sent to the DAC via fiberglass cables. In the case of using the AES digital output, the PCM is being kept in its original domain. Once it enters the DAC, it is converted to DSD too.

I very much like the performance of the Aural Symphonics Optimism V2 and V1 and use those fine optical cables for my Wadia 270/27ix combo. But the Optimism is optimized for Wadia, not for EMM. In fact the V2 will not even work with EMM, the V1 does work.
Aural Symphonics is aware of this problem and is currently working on a new version of their Optimism cable, specially designed for use with EMM.
Alex, interesting comment. My EMM dealer also recommends electrical connection over optical one.

A firiend of mine, who owns dCS Verdi La Scala/Elgar Plus/Verona stack, also prefers AES/EBU interface (he is using the latest AQ The Raven silver cable) over the IEEE 1394 (Firewire).