EMM Lab DCC2 & CDSD Better connection?

For the EMM Lab CDSD & DCC2 which BETTER Connection for used maximum PERFORMANCE for 2 Chanal CD.
DCC2 used DST(BNC or ST)? or ANALOG (XLR or RCA)? or PCM (AES or COAX or TOS or ST)?

Which Cables and connectors NEED? only for 2 chanal CD and for SACD 2 chanal?

Thank you for your help.
The price? I didn't ask! But knowing Tommy, it wouldn't surprise me if the price was simply 3x a single V2, or about $3000!
Guys, I have been trying to post for the past 3 days or so and it seems that Audiogon is having a problem getting it to the thread.

I cannot believe you guys are actually considering spending the kind of money being charged for an optical cable. I have tried many different brands and have only heard a difference once. The one cable that sounded different was terrible and did not work properly. Maybe there was something wrong with it, who knows. Think about it, we are talking about optical cables. We are not talking about running 1000's of feet or anything that might present a challenge.

I fear that EMM Labs owners are being targeted and that makes me uncomfortable. A while back I had asked Ed Meitner if there was a way to improve on the stock optical cables we were providing and could we make our own cables. He said "no way."

Caveat Emptor!
Jonathan, I beg to differ. I've had the same digital front end for long enough to know how it sounds with different cables -- both the analog out, and digital ICs. I have tried several ST cables, Tara, XLO, even some specially polished ones from Wadia. They all provided minor improvement over "off the shelf" cables, but nothing even came close to the quantum leap in performance of the Aural Symphonics optical cable. I suggest you try one for yourself if you haven't yet.