Does anyone have a Bryston 4b-st driving horns?

I am thinking about upgrading my amp from an Adcom GFA 5500 to a Bryston 4B-ST. Does anyone have this combination? Am wondering if this is a much warmer tube like amp.
Do you have a local Bryston dealer? I would recommend that you go listen with your own ears.

I am greatly enjoying my recently acquired S/H Bryston 4BSST. I wasn't ready to pull out the extra money needed to reach to the current crop of SST 2 Bryston amps. A bit of research reveals that all of the Bryston amps historically have received excellent reviews. The most recent crop of amps are being described as the most analogue sounding.

My system is more than capable of sounding full-bodied, warm and emotionally involving... depends greatly on the recording. Listening to Ella F (high rez) right now... warm and buttery smooth. My system is not tube-like. But, nothing cold or clinical about it!

Good luck with your decision.
Hey...thanks everyone for your thoughts and recommendations,especially Headshrinker2...wish I did have a Bryston AND Mccormack dealer in town to audition. The dealer I bought my Klipsch Forte 1's from in 1988 sells Macintosh and Rotel now. As far as tubes go, and I'm not an admitted tube basher, I don't think I'll ever go that route....tubes are just too expensive to replace, run hot and not very attractive looking. I'm gonna stick with SS gear, and rely on AGon's fine folk's opinions and personal experiences.....JMel

Adcom GFA 5500 Amp
NAD C 165 Preamp
Denon DCD 560 Changer
Carver TX 11A Tuner
Klipsch Forte 1's
Morrow MA2 Interconnects
Morrow SP2 Speaker Wire
I just came across this thread after a weekend where I finally 'found my sound'. I have Volti Audio Vittoras which are 104 db spl. The last amp you would think I would try, or would sound great, would be a Bryston 14b sst. I had purchased the Bryston late last year to try with Vienna Acoustic Strauss speakers. I wasn't happy with anything with the Viennas.
I have tried 300b amps, Marantz PM 11S2 and Musical Design 100 hybrid amp with Vittoras. As an afterthought I tried the Bryston prior to selling it. Wow, that pretty much sums up my reaction. The music finally 'sings'. I will save any other adjectives as we all know they fail to describe a great sound when it is found.
Yes, try everything, break all the silly rules we have been sold as gospel. And yes, the Bryston SSTs or SST2s are progressively improved over the ST. Have Fun.