How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?

In my opinion this one the greatest improvements in audio in 40 years. AA is full of discussions about it, but there has been nothing here. Maybe that a $575 tweak is beyond Audiogoners?
Kana813, you are right. Mr. Louis gets his basic chassis from the same source the gets theirs. In fact he is now selling the same base unit for $215. But this is only the beginning. As he says, “But for sure, at this time there aren't any assembled duplicators sold online with even one Plextor DVD-RW drive let alone two Plextor DVD-RW drives each with their own 8MB memory buffers.” I know some may dispute this, but he does make the following offer. “If someone wants to compare an online duplicator to the RealityCheckCD Audiophile Grade Duplicator RCCD-AG 2.2™ they should buy one and make their copy and then send me their original disc and I'll make them a copy on my duplicator and return both for free and then they and their audiophile cohorts may compare theirs and mine until their ears fall off or at least until they hear what a true RealityCheckCD is all about.”

As to why I am posting this, I asked Mr. Louis why he did not himself post this. His answer is”I don't want to divulge my proprietary information and I know that the skeptics won't be satisfied until I do and probably not even then. All bad things must eventually come to an end and I prefer to wait it out. But I can assure you that I don't buy the RCCD component parts from any of the online sites that seem to have garnered everyone attention. You may also note that none of those online sites make any claims regarding the fidelity of music CD-Rs they produce.” He is probably right about the critics, but with his offer above anyone with an open mind can try for themselves.
TBG quotes Mr. Louis as saying:
“But for sure, at this time there aren't any assembled duplicators sold online with even one Plextor DVD-RW drive let alone two Plextor DVD-RW drives each with their own 8MB memory buffers.”

He's wrong. Here's a DVD duplicator with two Plextor drives, each with an 8MB buffer, and a 64MB cache.

Plextor DVD Duplicator

This took 2 minutes to find on the internet.

Mr. Louis' claims are still open to debate.
The supermediastore duplicator is also $445 nearly twice what you said the RealityCheck could be replaced with. Your claims are still open to debate.
02-13-06: Tbg
The supermediastore duplicator is also $445 nearly twice what you said the RealityCheck could be replaced with.
That's not the point, Tbg. You're spinning.

You quoted Mr. Louis as stating:
“But for sure, at this time there aren't any assembled duplicators sold online with even one Plextor DVD-RW drive let alone two Plextor DVD-RW drives each with their own 8MB memory buffers.”
That was Mr. Louis' statement. I did the homework and proved his statement is false. That's all.
"Kana813, you are right. Mr. Louis gets his basic chassis from the same source the gets theirs. In fact he is now selling the same base unit for $215."

Tbg- I don't know why anyone would buy this unit from George, but if you did, you could still install the Plextor 716As for less than the cost of RealityCheckCD Audiophile Grade Duplicator RCCD-AG 2.2™.

I got a brand new Iomega external burner recommended by Mr.Koh for less than $20. on ebay. All I need are sources for the ingredents in RealDisc,ClearBit and the MicroTex cloth.

PS- Does your unit have Plextor drives?

PPS- What speed to burn copies at?