Best redbook player for under $1000

looking for used, better bang for your buck that way, so what redbook player is best for $1000 or less used?
From personal experience I would stay far away from the Marantz (very over-rated mass market junk...don't believe the Stereophile reviews). I have the Jolida JD 100 which is a solid value for approx. $600 used... you can use the left-over money for some RCA NOS tubes and a Flavor 4 power cord or some better interconnects. If you want to spend a little more, the Arcam CD23T or CD33 are solid choices.

Another option is to use your Kenwood CDP as a transport and get a Bel Canto Dac1 and digital cable.
Second the Quad 99 cdp. Had the Jolida and Consonance. The Quad is many steps ahead of Jolida, particularly in detail, which is the weak point of the Jolida. Until you hear good resolution you don't know what you are missing. (although more $, the gap narrows a bit for used units as the Jolida hype is not there with Quad). Quad is also better in musicality than Consonance but the Conso has more detail.

I am starting to believe tubes and cdps don't go together so well, but I don't have enough experience to back up that claim.