B&w 803s. Vs nautilus 802

Hi I was wondering what was people's opinions on which of these is the better speaker. If you had a pair of 803s would you trade them for a pair nautilus 802. Give reasons why you think one is better than the other. Can you even compare the 803s to the 802n ?
Well put, Budt. I agree with you. There are certain people out there and you know who you are, that just can't get it thru their thick heads that there ARE people that like B&W speakers. I don't claim they are the best but do offer good value for the money. Just read the many favorable reviews. All of these reviewers can't all be wrong. Certain people in this thread seem to be compelled to constantly bash B&W or try to steer the person who started the thread away from these speakers. Why? Just because you don't like them don't think for a minute that all others will feel the same way. As the other gentleman said, get over yourselves and your shallow opinions.
I just bet most audiophiles do not have their listening areas treated properly and so frequency response would be all over the place anyways.I think this is the reason people search for and talk about system SYNERGY, toe their speakers in/out etc . The other totally misleading thing audiophiles tak about is "dispersion " . This a a TOTALLY meaningless characteristic for 99% of serious audiophiles.Why? cause we all do our serious listening by ourselves and therefore sit in the sweet spot.So between treatment and positioning etc we can get good sound as long as the speakers are reasonable well designed and have good drivers. The better the design and drivers the easier it is to accomplish( usually).
Are you interested in low frequency? If so, the 802 will go lower but you will miss some of the improvements in the 803s in the mid and high frequencies.

Never understand why B&W isn't interested in coming up with better low end response all around.
Ok guys back to the opening subject . Do you think I should sell my 803 s speakers to purchase some n802 ? Would you and why?

Thanks for the responses and it's a pleasure to see all different opinions. I have owned a few different speakers and these b&w 803s are the best yet . Nice full sound and imaging just enjoyable that's why I would like to stay with b&w but the diamonds are to bling bling for me now that's why I am even considering the 802n.
I have listened to my mate's N802 driven by Conrad Johnson tube monoblocks. He previously used a Mcintosh MC402 with the N802s and didn't like the result too well, too laidback and flat sounding according to him.

Personally I think it is difficult to advise on the 803S vs N802 even though one may be very familiar with both speakers, since the speakers may sound differently in a different room with different electronics, not to mention dissimilar listening preferences. One may feel the N802s to be superior to the 803S in his room with his amps(that if he managed to compare the speakers side by side), but another person may feel otherwise in his own room together with his own amps. As most have mentioned here, the amplifiers play a major role in making the B&Ws shine.

Personally I prefer the N802s shape more than the 803S. Sound-wise is another matter.

FWIW I find the bass of the N802s(in my friend's setup) to be pretty loose and doesn't go too deep. Possibly due to the room and amps. Great sounding speakers nonetheless.