Speaker help - short list needed

I'm looking for a good sounding speaker that is very musical without any harshness or brightness. Looking for something around $1,500 on the used market. Paradigm's are out of the question as their tweeter is a bit much for my liking. For comparison, Sonus Faber makes a sound that I enjoy.
The Tyler Acoustics Linbrook Signatures fit your parameters perfectly, IMO. They appear to be going for just under $1500/pr. used nowadays.

Your own example, Sonus Faber would have been my other suggestion, so it looks like you already have that option covered. :-)
Room size is about 4k cubic feet to 5k cubic feet. I have only heard the Sonus Faber Luito and it sounded good to my ears. I have not heard the Grand Piano, but they are closer to my price in the used market.
Also, which model of Dynaudio are you suggesting? I like the idea of getting away from a metal tweeter. The silk and exotic materials seem to be less harsh to my ears.
At that price would be hard to beat Vandeersteens as a sure thing,tho I belive some KEF models can be had that will best them in clarity and musicality,