Dac for Adcom System

I have a Adcom stereo system GCD 750 CD player, GFA 5802 300 watt power Amp. And a GFP 750 Pre amp.With Salk HT3 speakers. My question is which Dac would be a better match the Bel Canto Dac 2 or the Benchmark Dac1. I would appreciate pros and cons.
Thanks in advance
Hi all ! Dont laugh but the GDA 700 is an excellent dac . If you can find one used I would have someone build an upgraded the power supply for it. It will not be shown up by todays " state of the art "
I've owned both the Benchmark DAC1 and a Bel Canto DAC3 (sorry, I know this isn't the DAC2). Personally, i learned I couldn't pair either of those with a solid state setup as I found both very analytical/revealing, and that was with a "warm sounding" Musical Fidelity A308 integrated and a pair of Quad 22L2 speakers at the time with Cardas Golden Reference ICs. The Bel Canto was a bit "smoother" with a little more low end grip, but truthfully to me it was more similiar to the DAC1 than different.

Another option to mention is a tube DAC of some sort but at least you could easily resell the Benchmark or Bel Canto if bought used to try for yourself.