CD player in the $2,500 to $5,000 range

I sold my old system (Bryston, MG 3.6r, Oracle Delphi, Parasound CD player) and have been working on putting together a simpler and smaller system. With advice from others on Audiogon, I bought a lovely pair of Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors, and a Cary SLI-80 Signature. Now I need to pick a CD player.

I listen to primarily piano music, opera, and chamber music (plus a smattering of jazz, from time-to-time). I don't give a darn about the "hi-fi experience." Grain free, no fatigue, timber accuracy, is what I value.

I'm thinking:

Ayre CX-7e
Meridian G08
Marantz SA 11s1

Any thoughts and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

I recently purchased the Marantz SA11-S1 new and strongly discounted to the bottom of your price range, and have found it to be a very, very good redbook player as well as being excellent at SACD playback. Images are projected in a punpoint manner in front of the speakers and the sound is smooth and very detailed without being etched, and the soundstage is past wall to wall. Fopr me it also had the added advantage of balanced outputs. I have no regrets at all on this purchase and at several hundred hours now it continues to get better.
Based on the comments by others, I've decided to pass on the modded units. I've narrowed the decision to a Cary 303-300 or the 306 SACD. Based on other threads, the 306 SACD seems to be the clear winner, and has the SACD capability as a bonus. I'll let you know how I like it after it arrives. Thanks all. MMC
Audio Aero Prima is the best I have heard under
$5000 !!! You will just love it I have spent a few hours auditioning one and nothing else comes close unless you spend more than 5k. The only reason I did not buy it is I could afford something better -Audio Research cd3mkll
but here in USA it retails for $5495!