CD player in the $2,500 to $5,000 range

I sold my old system (Bryston, MG 3.6r, Oracle Delphi, Parasound CD player) and have been working on putting together a simpler and smaller system. With advice from others on Audiogon, I bought a lovely pair of Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors, and a Cary SLI-80 Signature. Now I need to pick a CD player.

I listen to primarily piano music, opera, and chamber music (plus a smattering of jazz, from time-to-time). I don't give a darn about the "hi-fi experience." Grain free, no fatigue, timber accuracy, is what I value.

I'm thinking:

Ayre CX-7e
Meridian G08
Marantz SA 11s1

Any thoughts and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Audio Aero Prima is the best I have heard under
$5000 !!! You will just love it I have spent a few hours auditioning one and nothing else comes close unless you spend more than 5k. The only reason I did not buy it is I could afford something better -Audio Research cd3mkll
but here in USA it retails for $5495!
A very accurate musical nondigital sounding CDP is the GamuT which is working out a US distribution problem, I believe. I have been listening to my GamuT for 3 years and my respect only has increased. Positive-Feedback just reviewd it and had many compliments for it. in a review comparing it with the Esoteric 50 said (the reviewer) he had not heard another CDP which significantly outperforms the GamuT. You can buy these gems used for about 1700 or new if available for about 3500. These are redbook only players. The GamuT over samples at 44,100Hz X128 which is twice that of SACD! This is an extremely smooth nonfatiguing sounding CDP which is truly balanced but sounds good also unbalanced.
Consonance Droplet can use without a preamp if you're so inclined.I've owned Wadia, Meridian and BAT..this is by far the best to my ears.
I second the APL 3910, but apparently too late for your decision. One of THE best values in high-end audio today - just blows away the competition!! Hard to get, but worth the wait - ALex Peychev is a genius, plus a nice guy (a rare combination)
The Blue Note Stibbert -Tube reference ,
is certainly in a class by itself , especially after getting rave reviews around the world. Even HP loves it in the new fed issue at TAS ,after getting a few upgrades gets a solid .2005 Golden Ear award! Will Compete with any
10 k player out there easily,.One of the most musically satisfying , and beautifull looking units on the market.
One of the best buys in all of audio ,I bought one.