Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
Gopher, thanks for the info on how the upgraded drivers were to be placed (I did not have instructions when I did it several weeks ago - I put a matched pair in each speaker). Just made the change tonight and it definitely better defines the images in my Omen Defs. I don't notice any other changes, but it was a worthwhile 15 minutes.
Cool to hear I'm not alone on the image focusing. I did some listening last night, but it was pretty passive while I read.

Things do seem a bit more dialed in though and I think I can attribute the lack of pull from immediately after the change to a combination of my general mood at the time and things needing to settle again after being disturbed.
an update on Def4 amps. One of my Quads went down and so I picked up an Almarro 318B here on the 'gon. I found it a poor match with Zu Definitions. The amp wasn't strong enough in the bass and clearly favored midrange and smooth type sound. It may work with monitors better, but it was one of the worst sounding amps I've heard on Definitions *in my system.* In it's price range, the SEP Mastersound with NOS tubes was much better to my personal tastes.

just landing this afternoon is a Vac Phi Beta, KT88-based, super integrated. I am hoping it will be the cat's meow once appropriately tubed. I have owned a Vac Phi 200 before which sounded a bit SS, but didn't use Black Treasure KT88s on it (which is a large upgrade on my Quads)--the Phi Beta has a full 6sn7 linestage inside that should complement it very well.

i do reminisce quite a bit about FirstWatt- if the SIT2 was 20 watts, I'd probably still own it.
I have found two excellent amps with my Def III's: Art Audio PX-25 and my recent acquisition the Coincident Frankensteins. I find the warmth of the Franks to be a perfect complement to the Nano FRD's. The Franks give up a little of the bass of the PX-25, but not much. Of course, that is in my system which is very detail oriented with the Metrum Octave DAC, the Allnic L-3000 Pre, and the Def III's.

I'm kind of glad to read this as I ended up backing out of an Almarro 318 at the last minute, and have wondered at times what that synergy could have been with my upgraded Def 2s.

You got new Franks, Morgan? Awesome! Wish I were on your coast to hear that rig of yours.

It seems like you're liking that Metrum as well... very cool.