Recommended Bookshelf Speakers $1200

I have a Bel Canto Evo 2i. Currently I have JM Lab 716S Chorus speakers and I need to go much smaller for new home. I'm looking for recommendations for a speaker that will perform well all around but my primary music choices are rock and reggae.

Also, I'm looking for a tech in Florida that can work on amps. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks in advace.
Role Audio - Company based in NC.

Model= Sampan FTL. Peace of mind warranty.

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I represent Role Audio.Email if more information is needed.
PMC (Professional Monitor Company), Sonus Faber Electa Amators (s/hand), could buy any Celestion you wanted, Totem Acoustics, B&W Silver Signature (be careful with equipment and cable matching here)...all second hand you should be able to find something in the bookshelf world here. good luck and pls keep us posted!
Check out the two models offered by Soundsmith. I heard them both at AXPONA in Atlanta and was floored by how well and deep (pun intended) they sounded. Were I in the market for bookshelves these would be at the top of my list. (At the show I heard them play jazz and Stevie Ray Vaughan - very nice!)
Thanks for all of the replies. There are a couple of local dealers here where I can audition a couple of the recommendations.