Recommended Bookshelf Speakers $1200

I have a Bel Canto Evo 2i. Currently I have JM Lab 716S Chorus speakers and I need to go much smaller for new home. I'm looking for recommendations for a speaker that will perform well all around but my primary music choices are rock and reggae.

Also, I'm looking for a tech in Florida that can work on amps. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks in advace.
Check out the two models offered by Soundsmith. I heard them both at AXPONA in Atlanta and was floored by how well and deep (pun intended) they sounded. Were I in the market for bookshelves these would be at the top of my list. (At the show I heard them play jazz and Stevie Ray Vaughan - very nice!)
Thanks for all of the replies. There are a couple of local dealers here where I can audition a couple of the recommendations.
Wow, another Role Audio fan! Not sure if they will play loud enough for rock music though.

I would give Ascend Acoustics CBM 170 a listen. Don't rule them out just because they are cheap.
if you can stretch your budget a hundred or you should strongly consider the Shelby Kroll nano monitors. These aren't very well known but I assure you they will trounce anything in their price range. Tim may still have some B stock left over. Definitely worth checking out
For Rock and Reggae...Paradigm is right on man. Studio 20's are a great fit.
