Suggestions? Planar like Dynamic speaker under 2K

Any dynamic speakers I should consider used under 2K that give me planar attributes without its limitations?
Currently own Eminent Technology 8A Planar/Hybrid speakers Probably the best I have owned in terms of detail, purity neutrality and sound stage. These don't have the dynamic punch on the mids and the woofers can't handle heavy HT movies. Had Von Schweikert Vr-4jr didn't integrate into my room and Newform research - Same deal.
I had the Emerald Physics CS-2s and could never get the high end to sound remotely alive--clean but no live factor at all--and that was with the upgraded crossover. The listed efficiency is only for the speakers--with the crossover connected, the efficiency is less than 89 db. And you must have the crossover to work the speakers. Not very honest advertising in my book. The VMPS 626Rs with the upgrades I mentioned were bought at the same time I had the EP-2s. The midrange drivers are reworked by Brian Cheney and apparently when put in a box, are very lively and dynamic. With the 40 ou. megawoofers, they are the best speakers I've heard in my house or the showroom, especially good with a VMPS sub--more bloom in the mids along with much deeper bass and even more dynamic capability. A friend with his son who is inches away from becoming a professional bass player (he's won several area contests and plays many genres of music) had the time of their lives listening to the VMPS combo and came back another day with an offer to buy it all. The combo is truly what you're looking for. You're wish list sounded just like mine. The clarity and dynamics of the entire speaker will just amaze you and won't change. Your upgrade itis will be gone at least on the speaker end.
Energy? Come on lol
They have about as much in common with Planar sound as a cd compared to vinyl.
The Zu Audio Omen might fill the bill for you. No crossover, so they are incredibly fast, revealing and involving...with fantastic timing and coherence. Full-range speakers that need barely any power to shine, love tubes, and if you can find some used Zu Omen Defs...even better!

Just a thought.
Chadnliz: Though my suggestion was not a joke, I am happy it provided a laugh for you! The dispersion characteristics of the Veritas dome midrange provide for excellent imaging and a broader soundstage than most comparable dynamic speakers I've heard. They do not lack for dynamic HT range, either.