Wilson Sophia III vs Sasha

Currently own Sophia IIIs and I've been contemplating going to Sasha's. Has anyone compared them in the same system? Your thoughts/opinions are greatly appreciated.
Yes, the Densen is a Class A amp. The B-350 delivers 125W at 8 ohm, and 250W in 4 ohm. No local or global feedback. I would be required to spend significantly more money to improve the sound.
Peterayer: >>I learned that the room and isolation are just as important or even more so.<<

I agree 100%. Acoustic treatment, as called for by system setup within the room, and a decent rack for vibration isolation are key. I believe swapping gear is a waste of time (and possibly money) until you get these right.

If you can create a simple line drawing of your room with equipment and furniture placement (I used Visio) many of the acoustic treatment vendors will give you a complimentary consult on products and placement. Use a mirror or the reflective mylar strip from ASC Tube Traps (aka Optical Alignment Kit) to find reflection points. It is actually quite simple. This is fundamental 'aural infrastructure' stuff. PS: Don't forget the ceiling.

I went with RealTraps and SRA and they've paid huge dividends. Sorry don't mean to sidetrack yr thread. Fwiw, my pick was Sashas.
IMO It's best for you to listen to sasha first, then decide if it's worth the $15K upgrade, you can tune the room later if you have found your setup.