What are you 'TRULY' Looking for in Loudspeaker...

and system? Have you really studied the options and do you really understand what they can possibly give you in return? I am being very, very honest. I am not at all looking for pedantic, argumentive jabber. Looking past slight compromises you are willing to give up in this journey, what do you really want in a loudspeaker??? Complicated if you are a novice. I would like to hear from some experienced audiophiles. Thank you, Dale.
There are class A sound speakers and class B sound speakers. (in my term!)

Class A speakers sound vivid, fuller, solid, and musical like a live performance, and it's still easy on your ears. Class A speakers with less capable components still sound like class A, and you are musically and sonically satisfied. You understand what is missing in the sound, and the sound will give you a feedback for the better sound.

Relaxation without effort! You don’t need to try to hear musical information from Class A sound speakers. The music will come to you. Your brain can be relaxed or focused in your control. You will fall asleep quickly when you want to and wake up freshly while music is playing. Listening music is like the meditation!

With Class A speaker, there is no upgrade bug because you are satisfied with the sound. You are in control if you want to upgrade gears.

Class B speakers sound like class B whatever the condition without a feedback. You don’t get satisfaction. You can only sleep after your brain is exhausted from Class B sound speakers because the speaker will make your brain tensed and focused. You will wake up groggy because your brain is still processing unfriendly sounds while you are knocked down.

Please get a Class A sound speaker!
For me, in this "Golden Age" of speakers, I find myself wanting BETTER MUSIC!
We need to find the Tesla/Einstein/Carlyle/Jordan of (modern) music.
Someone who is head-and-shoulders above their peers.

Good progress was made by Paul Simon (Graceland) and Peter Gabriel (So, US).
I listened to these records for years before the amazement waned.

These days I almost gag when I listen to yesteryear's mainstays (could Rock depend any MORE on mindless repetition?).

Where is the Light to bring us into the future?

A great speaker should have absolutely Zero distortion (especially no GRAIN!), lifelike dynamics (biggest hurdle today IMO) and be somewhat affordable.

P.S. I REALLY like my Thiel 2.4SE but I still want Sophia IIIs.
I am a very experienced audiophile of many years, so I will share what I am TRULY looking for in a speaker...

I'm TRULY looking for a speaker which is 8"x10"x2", weighs about six pounds, and has a sound like a 600 pound 6' floor stander. I'm TRULY looking for a speaker I can deflate so I can take it to the beach, then when I get there I can use the air pump to jack it up and play obnoxious tunes all day.

I'm TRULY looking for a speaker which will clean my clothes like a laundromat while playing flawlessly. I'm TRULY looking for a speaker which is an ATM printing free money.

I'm TRULY looking for a speaker which doesn't need wires but plays better than by Bluetooth. I'm TRULY looking for a speaker which my wife will say, "Wow, this is the best speaker you have ever owned, and it sounds fantastic! If this company makes other components go ahead and get the rest of the system."
I'm TRULY looking for a speaker which my wife will say, "Wow, this is the best speaker you have ever owned, and it sounds fantastic!
I needed my wife's recognition and respect! Many years ago, I bought hi-end tube amp and speakers after many days of discussion with my wife. I promise to her that the sound would be great and we wouldn't need any more spending in audio for many years. It was a big money for us.

When I heard the new sound system for first time, I was disappointed. I was hoping the sound would get better in few days. My wife didn't show any interest for few days. I guess now she already knew the new system sounds worse than old one. My wife was a conductor for school chorus when was a student. She has good ears. I tried every ways to improve the quality of sound. I bought expensive cables without telling my wife. She can't notice different cables behind components. After much more investments, the sound got better to my ears in about one month later. Then my wife told me "the sound is OK now!" I thank her that she didn't tell me it was a stupid buy.

I get the recognition from my wife now. My wife keeps telling me how beautiful song is while listening to music together. To me, they are compliments from my wife.
I thank her that she didn't tell me it was a stupid buy.
I just thought like that. I didn't really say that to my wife.