What is the best CD player direct into one's amp?

Since I don't listen to FM (poor reception) and seldom use my vinyl (too noisy), what red book player has the best analogue volume section and sound for direct connection to my Threshold 4000 class A amp? I am looking for something in the $1000-2000 range on audiogon. The other possibility is to slightly warm up and expand the soundstage of my maggie 1.6 system with a tube preamp and continue using my very musical McCormack DAC-1 deluxe. Thanks
I've ran a consonance ref. 2.2 direct and was surprised on how good it sounds. My previous experience running an Audio Alchemy dac direct was a large loss of dynamics. It may be the tubed output stage of the consonance that's the difference. I still prefer the sound with my AI modulus in the chain however. Hope this helps. Harry
I use a modified Marantz player from APL Hi-Fi, who are famous for their pricey modified Denon and Esoteric players. $1100 complete for the Marantz. Sounds wonderful direct into my Rowland 201 monoblocks.
Sorry to digress, but a 4000A, now that really is a classic. I used one into Dayton-Wright XG-8s when the high end was in its infancy. I think that Nelson actually designed the 400A, 800A and 4000A on the Daytons, since they pretty much blew everything else up. Nice amp, a real classic, glad to hear that it is still in service. Oh BTW many of the Wadia players are specifically designed for direct connection to amps.