When is digital going to get the soul of music?

I have to ask this(actually, I thought I mentioned this in another thread.). It's been at least 25 years of digital. The equivalent in vinyl is 1975. I am currently listening to a pre-1975 album. It conveys the soul of music. Although digital may be more detailed, and even gives more detail than analog does(in a way), when will it convey the soul of music. This has escaped digital, as far as I can tell.
This is being compared to $10,000 analog(circa 1992). Just don't tell me that your memories of analog are equivalent to actual listening. Come on! Let's get something going here. Let's get it right!
Mmaksahk, Does APL Denon 3910 do over or upsampling or is it straight-up 16/44.1? Sorry I am not familiar with this model. Is it Denon CD player and modified or is it APL brand using Denon transport mechanism. What does DSP do? Is there any Alex's web site I can go to?

I do agree with Vinyl being standard for comparision. Even with my limited experience of less than one year w/analog.
I really like your moniker, Nilthepill! Is it based on what I think it is? Anyhow, if you read my thread and responses, I really am an analog fan. I don't know about oversamling. You are asking the wrong person about DSP. Maybe someone can help you here? I know Alex mentioned something about it when I went to get my cd player from him. Alex's website is called APL Hi-Fi(I'm computer dumb.). Your question about whether it is just the Denon transport mechanism is unanswerable by me, due to my inexperience. I tried to print Alex's e-mail, but maybe the sensors decided that it was too commercial? I just want to say that Alex voiced it based on analog, and volume seems to be key in my system. I must mention that I've not put the(at least)200 hours on his player that Alex recommends, but you know that equipment only improves with time. I do know that his player has challenged me to fine-tune my analog. I'm not sure if(given my current finances) I can fine-tune my analog enough. I will try to post on Audiogon's analog section about Alex's player.
Thanks Mmakhak, I will fine and look up Alex's website. I need a cd transport/dac combo that don't do no monkey business-:). I am still debating among DCS stack, Emm Labs, MBL and Metronome. If it delivers analog like sound for reals that It is a keeper for long long time.
Guido, I am not trying to defend my product or the fact that Mmaksahk is a beginner (we all started learning at some point in time) but will have to say that, according to the "Hitchhiker’s guide to the Galaxy", Earth MKII was much better. :) So there is “a lot more and even better fish”. :)

Nilthepill, there is no upsampling in this particular design based on Denon 3910. This cheaper all-solid-state re-design was intended to be more affordable due to many requests that Brent Rainwater (APL Hi-Fi CSM) and I have received.

Mmakshak, it is very good to hear how much you like this Denon 3910 version, especially compared to your vinyl rig. To be honest, I have never been a big vinyl fan, but you're perfectly correct - besides all of its imperfections, the vinyl offers audio quality reference comparable to the original master tape. Why? Well, vinyl is pure analog. :) Sadly, just like digital, we are still limited to the actual vinyl recording quality (regardless of the year it was released).
