When is digital going to get the soul of music?

I have to ask this(actually, I thought I mentioned this in another thread.). It's been at least 25 years of digital. The equivalent in vinyl is 1975. I am currently listening to a pre-1975 album. It conveys the soul of music. Although digital may be more detailed, and even gives more detail than analog does(in a way), when will it convey the soul of music. This has escaped digital, as far as I can tell.
"However, I have had master digital files played here and also at a friends home and you have no idea what a digital master is capable of. "

Oh yes I do......

Did it get the "soul" of the music?
"As for your experience with digital being better in some cases, I have yet to have that happen in my system."

I've only a/b tested more pop/rock recordings where I can assert clearly that it has.

I was surprised when it happened though with "Days Of Future Passed" by the Moody Blues, though (see my reviews here).

I would expect many more cases favoring vinyl with large scale symphonic recordings in general, from my experience.

Other than that, well produced CDs work to my satisfaction in general, but I would prefer higher resolution with digital if done well in most all cases.

Did it get the "soul" of the music?

Since my comparison was made only between the commercial CD release and the artists personal copy of a digital master, there was no analog to judge by.

Part of why I was listening was because my friend was angry that the manufacturer had "ruined" his CD release. I explained that CD was not capable of what he heard on the master and he was very disappointed.
"Since my comparison was made only between the commercial CD release and the artists personal copy of a digital master, there was no analog to judge by."

Ok, I have no doubt that the vinyl would cut it, all other factors aside.

But did the digital master you heard get the "soul" of the music or no?

I'm praying that there is some hope here the answer is "yes".....but maybe I'm doomed.
Mapman, again I was composing my response when your post went up, sorry to be out of sync.

I have not compared that recording of the Moody Blues, I'm pretty sure I have the LP but not the CD. Then again, even if I wanted to conduct tests again, I would need to get a high end loaner digital playback system.

With my current Blue Ray player serving all my digital sources, I have no expectations it can serve as a comparison. I had a $16K D to A box here about 2 months ago and it was really nice. Still not analog but I would sure buy it if it were about one third that price.

Gotta crash, I've been up nearly 18 hours. I'll visit tomorrow with a clear head and see what gems have been posted.