Best Speakers at RMAF 2011...?

What speakers impressed you at RMAF 2011 and why?
Anything underwhelming, despite the hype?

I found the following to be very intriguing and impressive.
- In no particular order:

1) Magico Q1
2) Totem Element (Fire)
3) Avalon Idea
4) Totem Hawk? (Hegel Room)
5) Evolution Acoustics MM Micro One
6) Joseph Speakers, Perspective

These speakers seemed to have a very good mix of macro and micro dynamics, bass response, articulation, musicality, sound stage and a seemingly limitless high frequency range.

At $2k, the Evolution Acoustics may be a bargain of the bunch.

Appreciate your thoughts...!
I for one would like to hear more from the 20 other people that attended the after hours demo between Vapor Cirrus and YG Kipod II. Any long time active members that joined this event? Maybe someone who does not own the Vapor or who has not spoken about them in any threads? The Vapor appears to be built with some of the very best components and the cabinet looks extremely rigid. I would have thought if others felt that the $5500 stand mount competed with the 50k YG they would be spilling it here.
Agree on Vapor. Need more than one two people with one two posts behind them touting. Interesting if true.
Hey guys, I'm the owner of Vapor Audio. How about this for a testimonial by Steve Nugent of Emperical Audio:
I attended the demo....Cirrus was fantastic, and Ryan must have known by the smile on my face that he's going to have to build one more speaker this year.
Your experience with the Nolas mirrored mine exactly - sounded pretty fine from outside the room and with walking in - I even noted that it sounded nice - but then i sat down and the played some more tunes - an absolute bloody mess, almost unlistenable.

Also agree on the Totems - sounded spectacular with that Rogers (think that's what it was) tube amp. Interestingly, here in Toronto (their home country) they were demonstrating the exact same speakers with Bryston electronics and the sound was horrible.

As for the Sashas, I was surpised by them since other Wilson speakers don't usually move me. Thought they sounded best in that Doshi room - that certainly turned my head (never had heard of Doshi before and wasn't expecting much from the Wilsons).