Linn CD-12 or Ikemi: Your opinions

Would you buy the Linn CD-12 for $20,000.00 when you can buy the Linn Ikemi for $3900.00 and get very close to the same sound quality?
If I had the money (a big if), I'd go for the CD-12. It is much more emotionally satisfying to me. When I heard the two side by side, the Ikemi was an ordinary player and bested by many in and below its price range, but the CD-12 was something special. That extra 5%, or whatever (I think it's higher in this case), is ridiculously expensive, but it would be worth it if I had the money to buy either.
As an owner of the Ikemi I would but the CD-12 if I had the money to spare. But the Ikemi has been a great player and I will probably hate to sell it, but I wanna make a change. You may look for an ad here on Agon once I get my duckies lined up
I currently use the Ikemi and it is one of the better one box payers out there today but if I had the money and could find a mint used one for $10,000 I would get it!

BTW a good alternative would be the Resolution Audio Opus21.

Good Luck!*>)