need opinions on new cdp

greetings,i am looking to upgrade my Jolida 100cdp.Ive narrowed it down to either Sim Audio Super Nova,AR CD3 or the Bat VKD5...they all come in just a few hundred dollars apart.I can probably hear the audio research here but i suppose not in my system..looking for the more dynamic,musical player.Will be matched with a Bryston 14bsst,DeHavilland Ultra Verve and Tyler Linbrook sig.Any thoughts would really help decide.
I own an ARC CD3MkII and it is a very dynamic and musical player. However, it is best run balanced. If your setup doesn't allow for balanced connection between cd player and preamp, don't bother with ARC as you will get at the most 85% of its performance.
Baranyi - I have not heard the Stibbert. The dealer I bought my Koala from said they liked the Koala as much or better than the Stibbert. Allegedly it has a lot of the same technology. But I think the Stibbert has a better power supply, and of course, the suspension.

The Bluenote Koala is very dynamic, detailed, quick, has amazing deep bass. For a tube CD player, it has the quickness of a solid state player, but with some tube sweeetness on the highs that make them very neutral and non-fatiguing. It's Very nice sounding player. I simply prefered the BAT. My main complaint about the Bluenote is the remote. It is very directional and takes a few button pushes to get it to engage. (yes I tried new batteries) But once the music starts playing ...mmmm. sweet. If you like a front row presentation, the Bluenote Koala will blow your mind. If you prefer a more laid back sound, look elsewhere. FYI - I am likely going to sell my Koala and try something else.
groberts3, you alluded to something very important, namely presentation.

a front row sound is indicative of forwardness which is a form of coloration. most recordings,are probably row 5 to mid hall and the microphone is placed above the seats.

a laid back or rear hall perspective is also a form of coloration. it is inconsistent to suggest that one likes neutrality and then prefers a front row or rear hall presentation.

by the way i auditioned the koala and found it lacking in warmth. it sounded like solid state. i replaced the stock tubes with amperex tubes but the sound barely changed.

what cd player(s) do you consider laid back, if any ??