Best Speaker under $3K - New or Used

In my other thread, I asked about the B&W 804 but I decided to pass on it since it's a 13-year speaker with a high asking price.

Anyhow, it seems I'm going backwards in building my system since I've settled on a Parasound JC2 as the pre-amp. Now I'm back to the drawing board for the choice of speakers. Any reommendation of a great, balance speaker with excellent mid range, sweet and open treble, tight bass under $3K - New or Used, bookshelf or floor stand?

I listen to a wide range of musics, including symphony, chamber, jazz, vocal, light music, pop songs.

FYI, I auditioned the Vandersteen 2CE Sig. II, 3A, Proac Response D2, Studio 140II, 100, Totem Hawk and Totem Mani 2 Sig.

While I read rave reviews about the 2CE Sig. II, I didn't find the clarity and imaging I heard from typical British speakers (ProcAc D2, Harbeth). It might be due to the set up and gears used at the dealer showroom.

Totem Mani 2 Sig. has great bass and imaging to me. Anyone had experience with it? How does it compare to Harbeth, ProAc bookshelfs? Is it neutral, natrual, accurate?

Thanks for your input.
Seriously Jpl, bump up a 9 month old thread for that? Using this forum as your personal toilet is getting old. You and 2-3 others that have nothing to do with anything worked awfully hard to get the last Vapor Audio thread deleted, along with the testimonials of 15-20 happy customers.

Your motivation at this point seems like nothing more than a personal vendetta.

I'll just say again for the record that I'm a 110% satisfied Vapor Audio customer. The Cirrus has ended a decade long search for speakers I can completely enjoy with all music.
It's getting old. Real old.

Get yourself an attorney and close the piehole.
Find an old pair of castle winchesters buy them and enjoy for many many years and if you dont like them I will buy them from you, they will be under $3000 but hard to find as nobody will let them go.Vienna acoustic bach grand there is a pair on audiogon right now for $800 obo a fantastic price so smooooooth! as you can tell I like smooth detailed sound which these speakers are if you like forward sounding in your face speakers these are not for you.Happy hunting trust your ears not what I say or anybody else as these are suggestions on what we like and you may not.
Right at $3k, the Revel Performa F-52's are worthy of your consideration set. I would second the Aerial 10-T recco above as well.