Budget Speakers for a small living room

Hi guys,

I've posted here some time last year searing for a setup for a new place I was moving to but things didn't work out and I was stuck in my dorm.

I'm graduating soon and finally moving into an apartment of my own with my fiancé.

We've got a small living room that's about 11ft by 11ft. I'm looking for budget speakers that could fit this environment. Primary use would be for audio but we would also like to use them for the TV and for movies as well.

My source would be a Mac running iTunes with ALAC and 320AACs. Would have to stream the music using probably an Airport Express. I don't have any other electronics at the moment, so please do chime in with ideas on amps/preamps and DACs too if you can. But right now I'm looking to build the system with speakers in mind first.

My first option was the Audioengine A5+ since it's cheap and the option of a subwoofer exists for movies but I'm not sure if it'd provide good quality sound for a larger space (since it was made with desktops/near field listening in mind). Or possible the Epoz Aktimate mini, which I was impressed with when I auditioned it, but it's been a long time since then.

The other options was to get a cheap T-Amp like the Trends Audio and pair it with a Paradigm Atom, Wharfedale Diamonds or for more money something like the Monitor Audio BX2.

As you can see from the options I'm looking at right now, my budget is paltry =( Something like $500 tops for speakers alone.

Looking forward to your suggestions.

Btw, I am looking at the used market, unfortunately I'm in Singapore right now and shipping speakers here costs a small fortune. The local forums have some options available but they aren't that fantastic. The fiancé also prefers that we buy new gear rather than vintage sadly.
The Audioengine A5 is a good suggestion as you don't need an amp to power them. Another suggestion is the Gallo Acoustic A'Diva with one of the Gallo subs designed to mate with them. We have the A'Divas mated with the MPS-150 sub in the living room; they provide surprisingly good sound. My wife likes them as they are barely noticeable.
The A5s would be a good bet. Another option would be the Cambridge SoundWorks Model 12. I use mine on the TV, and it is very satisfying, as it comes with a sub and 3 channel amp. Plus it all packs into the sub for travel. Great little speaker setup. They retail for $500, but I've seen them for $400, and got mine used 8 years ago for $125!

Thanks for all the replies gents.

@ Sidssp - Great to know that A5s are loud enough to fill a living room. It was always a concern for me. In terms of sound quality though, would I be better served my separates. Granted they'd be more expensive, but the performance is there for the dollar I don't mind spending more.

@ Buconero117 - aren't those ProAcs like 2grandish? That's way out my budget sadly =( Heard many great things about this brand on the whole though. Maybe for my next upgrade...

@ Sfar and Afranta - Many thanks for the recc on the Cambridge S30s. Have seen them around online, but never considered them (really don't know why) Definitely need to audition them. What electronics would you recc that I pair with these?

@ Mofimadness and Peter_s - Thanks for the headsup on these Pioneers. Been reading about them and their definitely very interesting. The glowing review on Stereophile really helps. I'm having a hard time finding them here in Singapore though. Most big box stores carry Pioneer gear but these speakers are not available through them. Will have to hit them hifi shops.

Btw, you mentioned they need gobs of power. What amps would you recommend for them? What power output should I be looking for?

@ Lars - Epos! Glad you mentioned them. I've heard the Epoz Aktimate mini from Australia which is reportedly an Epos speaker with Creek electronics in an active package and boy do they sound good. Their about 200 bucks more than the A5 but really blow them out of the water.

@ Manoterror - Hmm, not sure about the Soundworks, reckon they might be too underpowered, since their portable speakers. SQ wise are they any good on the money - compared to separates?
Milesandcoltrane - I've bought three pair of the Cambridge S30's. One was for a system for one of my daughters where they're used with an Onkyo A-5VL integrated that has a very nice built-in DAC with Burr-Brown PCM1796 chips. The second was for some friends who wanted a receiver so I bought a Pioneer Elite XS-A6-J for them. That's a very impressive amp with typical Elite build quality and a smooth, articulate sound, another real bargain like the S30's. The third pair are in my basement being driven by a DIY chip amp.

I've tried them in my living room system driven by a Simaudio I-5 LE and one of the impressive things about them is that even with an amp that cost 16 times what the S30's cost they still sound way better than their price would indicate.