Mods for Avantgarde speakers

I have had Avantgarde Trios for about eight years. They play music with the types of amplifiers that I enjoy, in a way that I like more than other speakers that I have heard. I would like to hear from others that have modified their Avantgarde speakers, what they have done, and with what improvements. Damping, x-overs, cabling, etc. are things that I am interested in.
chadeffect, you would need 4 dacs and 4 amps to time alignment all drivers. of course the 4dacs should have a delay function build in so that you can adjust each dac individually. this means big bucks, a lot of additional cables, component stands etc..
better spend a few hundred bucks and get some stands build by a carpenter.

My understanding is this correction device is very clever & flexible. Not only can it split the signal 8 ways & send to its various analogue or digital outs, but what is useful in this situation is it can also do all the splits for the xover internally & send that split & corrected digital information bussed to the main out. (so my system stays plugged in the same way. Only difference is a digi out into correction, then digi out from correction back into my DAC)

Im not sure exactly what happens with the microphone & room responses. I suspect you do them 1st. Then set the xover freqencies or types for each driver and it works out the rest & busses it to the main output.

Now this is probably not the best way of using it, but it is the most practical for my purpose, without the need for multiple amps etc etc.

But as they say "the proof of the pudding is in the eating". I will let you know but the guy is extremely confident it will work as I explained. I know one guy who has used it & he said it was perfect! I had that RP1 room correction device which is not as flexible, but it was very very good.
chadeffect, if this clever unit got 8 separate analog or digital out you still need 4 dacs and 4 stereo or 8 mono amps. there is NO way around it.
I have a tact rcs since '99. I'm not a fan of room correction at all. don't use it since several years. when you change the response in the digital domain the sound becomes a bit hard/ digital sounding. using dsp only in the bass to cut peaks. do not touch the response at mid and high frequencies at all. in my millennium I can switch dsp like a digital filter on and off while playing music per mouse clicks. this way you can hear in seconds the nasties produced by dsp!!
My advice to you is to get some separate stands for the mid and highs buildt!
Check out this system. User name Herman. He's using a digital x-over tri-amping his duos that look far from factory. It sounds like he's getting the results that he likes.

Chadeffect, can you borrow the gear without putting out the money. If so, definitely give it a try. I'd like to hear about your results.

Personally, I'm stuck on vinyl kept in analog only passing through tube amplification. If digital source was more important to me, then converting back to digital to manipulate the signal might be a good option. It's worth a try, let us know.
sdrsdrsdr, digital filters may sound better than the analog ones they are replacing, depending on the quality of the analog parts. I was shocked when I replaced the Mundorf silver/gold a few years back with the v-caps. Could not imagine how much music get lost in those mundorfs. With the mundorfs a digital filter might be the lesser evil.

The point I wanted to make is that digital xo is also not perfect. I once tried to put a 4th order high pass filters on my main channel. the duos fall off below 300 hz so with that filter I did not change the response at all. once I engaged that filter everything sounded a bit hard. I immediately removed it.

There are different ways to time align the avantgardes. one is to use a box with digital filters, several dacs and amps and the other is to built separate stands for the horns. Would like to hear from you about your experiences with the stands and about chadeffect's experiences with the digital xo route using several dacs and amps.

I any case both of your trios will sound a lot better. A good tool for time alignment is is to download audacity software, play 1 hz square waves and measure the step response with a high quality mic