Revel Speakers

I currently have F52s and would like to know how they compare to Studio 2s...imaging, ability to disappear, bass, and overall sound.

I've owned many, many speakers to include Sophia 2s, 3s, and Sashas. In the context of the system I had the Sasha's in they were forward. As a matter of fact I've listened to many speakers over the years and Revels seem to have the right mix of being detailed without too much coloration. I'm not suggesting for one minute that Revels are better than Wilsons. Revels are different and after many years I know I found my preference. Now the question is will moving up to F208s, Studio 2s, or Salon 2s reduce the coloration and still maintain musicality? The other option is adding a sub and better electronics for the F52s.
I went from ESL-63's to Wilson 5.1's to F52's to Studio 2's. The Quad's still have the best midrange, but they have other limitations. I went polar opposite with the WP 5.1's. While they had the bass slam, dynamics and so on, I got listener fatigue to often. They never could get massed strings to sound sweet, like the Quad's. Ultimately I settled on the Studio 2's. They the midrange magic of the Quad, with most of the slam of the Wilsons.

The Revel Ultima 2 tweeter is amazing. It is revealing and musical at the same time. I don't know how they did it. The Ultima 2's will expose much more than the F52's, but to my ears they don't go overboard like the Wilson's did.

Put it this way. I love Bruno Walter. His recordings are generally bright and bass shy. With the Quad's they still sounded very nice. With the Wilson's they gave me ear bleed. With the Studio 2's I can listen and enjoy them once again.
I'm trying to find a dealer that has F208s and Studio 2s. I would like to hear how they compare to each other. I'm 100% sure I will get either the F208s or Studio 2s, unless I get a super deal on Salon 2s.
Ricred1 ... if you could do me a favor as you check out the Revels, I would be very grateful. If the dealer also carries the S8s (v3), could you please give them a listen too. Hopefully the conditions will be similar and comparable. I would consider it a favor because as I mentioned above, there's not too many B&M stores around anymore. And certainly none that I know of that are close by who have both brands. Your comments would help me out a lot.

One caveat about A/B'ing the two speakers. I suspect the Salons and Studios will do a better job than the S8s in the low bass region. That's not an issue for me because I use a sub which I've blended in pretty well with the S8s.

Thanks in advance.


I will look into the Paradigms. Funny thing is I may just add a Paradigm Signature sub 1 and call it a day.