Do not buy any Sonus Faber used

Sumiko just announced that

What a curious statement . Can you imagine Volkswagen refusing to provide parts for their own cars, no matter where they were bought? I do hope other distributors will follow. It would surely drive the prices down considerably on Audiogon for used gear.
There are too many ways that uninformed customers could unintentionally buy a grey market product. While the purpose of this policy might be focused on the grey market, its scope is too broad.

Like I suggested in a prior post, I would be surprised if the policy was rigidly enforced. I suspect that it's more of calculated deterrent. The problem is that it has deterred me from ever considering a Sonus Faber product.
When I said "better terms" I didn't mean only the price. In your example, no I won't pay $30k instead of $40k.
But I will buy cartridge from England for 60% what it is here or motor controller for my Nottingham table. Not big money true. Some American distributors and dealers just feel entitled to much more than what I would consider reasonable. Yes, I am aware of import taxes and such. Too much greed and need to control.
That comments from Elizabeth re Parasound are nonsense.

I have spoken with Tony at Parasound tech support on numerous ocasions and have gotten any part I needed. I buy most if not all my Parasound stuff (inc JC-1s and JC-2s) used and have never been asked to provide proof of auth dealer purchase to get parts. Tony has even helped me with mods to Parasound's design flaws in getting alternative parts (like the JC-1 current surge protectors that can burn up; a design that was changed in later units. Parasound will replace the originals for free). I buy Parasound equipment because they are one of the very few companies that will give you schematics of any product they produce. Try getting those from Cambridge Audio or many other brands. Bryston is pretty good as well, but only a few schematics are supplied by Bryston.

So what is sometimes published policy is rarely enforced, but is there just in case they run across a case of abuse.

Your post:

I have had very good service whenever I have talked to Sumiko. However, I have to wonder how often a speaker will need warranty repair anyway? After all, what's to really fail....the driver, the x-over the connectors...???? I could see that an amp manufacturer or other electronic manufacturer would have concerns, BUT a speaker manufacturer? Don't quite get it! How many times have you bought a speaker and it has had a problem during its limited warranty period...I never have.

My post:

FWIW. I have 5 Vienna Acoustics speakers in my system, which are distributed by Sumiko. All speakers were purchased through authorized dealers. I had one of the drivers go out on one of the speakers in less than two years. However, the dealer handled the replacement driver in an acceptable manner.
Musicpod why would a driver fail? I can understand it if you over drive the speaker, which would be your fault, but under normal use....I don't get it.
What reason was there for your Vienna drivers failing in such a short period of time?? My point is that I can see a tube amp manufacturer or a digital device manufacturer be concerned about infant mortality in their product, but a speaker manufacturer...............?